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Downloadable Plarium App Issues

Downloadable Plarium App Issues

Aug 23, 2018, 23:4808/23/18

Downloadable Plarium App Issues

Hi I recently download the plarium app since I had an issue with playing this game on all the browsers since the recent game updates less around a week ago. My problem with the app(all computer games call this app a game launcher) is that when downloaded it maintains the frame of the internet browser that it was downloaded from I don't know if that's normal but that leads me to my next issue which is that all internet pages have a scroll added to the side of the page in order to move up and down the webpage which the app doesn't have. Initially when you open the app the scroll isn't required but for me and according to many other users on the forums using this app: Once they hit play on their game makes the app page resolution stretch out downwards yet its impossible to scroll down and see the bottom inch of the game loading screen and when its loaded the game page when you hit the full screen after the game has loaded it will present the same issue with the bottom inch being cut out from the page and still shows the browser frame with the maximize, minimize and close options. From what I see the app is setup the same way as the browser platform except there is no scroll up and down option and the game screen will not automatically sync into your computers recommended resolution and its impossible to see that bottom inch no matter what. I checked the properties of the game-compatibility tab and you should be able to manually change the launchers screen resolution to match your pc/systems screen res but the resolution listed there matches the browsers screen resolution and is grey meaning unchangeable manually. When you initially click the 4 arrow full screen option after the game has fully loaded for a split second the app page will sync to your computers screen resolution size to show the full screen with no problems but a split second later it will shrink back down to the browser page resolution cutting of that bottom inch almost immediately. All other games which launch from an app and once again it makes no sense to call this just an app since its a Game Launcher app key words being that it launches the game that you choose from the app straight to a full screen and if you don't want to full screen there should be an in-game option to launch the game in a minimized app/launcher form which shouldn't look similar to a browser webpage at all. I am not an expert but common sense dictates that although this app/game launcher would remain on the same platform as the browser version platform it should be completely revamped to emulate game launchers from blizzard and other reputable/reliable games which means that it needs in game system options such as multiple resolution options to suit your computer along with other display and sound related options. In the end I discovered a patchwork solution to this app full screen problem this should help anyone else like me who cant use the browser version anymore till they discover and fix their specific issue===Step 1 is to right click your taskbar on the bottom and go to taskbar settings and on the settings page you just got to switch on the option that says "Automatically Hide Taskbar in Desktop Mode" that will free up some space on the bottom of your screen which is the key step. Once the game is loaded from the app it will have the bottom inch cut off all you have to do is to press the 4 arrow full screen option in the game and once its full screen minus the bottom part press the 4 arrows again to minimize the page it will take you back and after that the 4 arrows wont be clickable leaving you stuck unable to go full screen again, after this happens all you have to do is click the square box option on the top of the page on the bar which has the - [ ] X this is the browser part of the page the square box is the sign that's in between the -(minimize/maximize) and X(Close Page) option and once you have pressed it your app page will become smaller than your normal monitor screen size after that click the square option again to get the app page screen to fit your computer screen. Once you have fished pressing that square option twice the full screen option in game will be unlocked and now the bottom inch of the page that was blocked off will be reduced to a point where the icons at the bottom of the game page will be accessible which isn't a perfect full screen but doing this allows you to access the bottom part of your page to a satisfying amount allowing you to click the important icons on the bottom which were previously hidden before you clicked that square option twice. Wish I got paid for this... sigh. Good Luck at least that will get us browser banned and app restricted players through this tough time untill plarium evolves past puberty.
Aug 24, 2018, 01:3408/24/18
  1. I have also noticed that when players are asking for help related to lag issues and browser memory problems the game managers automated response is to say clear your cache and make sure your internet connection is working properly. Every person has a different computer with a different system setup so there will be variations of the same problem for different people and most of them are the same issue which is the fact that internet browsers are not meant to run this game anymore they aren't built to handle the graphics and data storage from what this game has become unless you have a computer with a good graphic card, processor and a large disk size. Even with a good computer and if you clear your cache regularly the memory issue can give you problems which is what the administrators never elaborate upon. Basically the cache of your browser is memory of your previous browser searches and in game cache data being saved to the browser memory which can only handle a certain amount before your computer starts to find it hard to process which leads to overheating and lagging. Clearing your browser cache may work for most people but some people may have the issue that I had which is that once you clear the browser cache it takes all those files that you cleared and dumps them into a preset folder somewhere on your computer which will accumulate till your disk space is maxed out which will lead to your computer processor being overworked and can harm your computers health if its not fixed soon.If you feel this maybe the issue your experiencing then find your cache dump folder and make sure you clear it out often after you clear out your browser cache, I use firefox and the folder was named Old FireFox Data. In order to ascertain whether you are experiencing a similar problem as I did open your Task Manager and click the more details option on the bottom of the page and you will be able to see your Disk space usage % beside your CPU usage, now as long as your Disk space usage is at a low percent and not red you should be fine(In my case the disk space was at 100% and rep till I cleared the cache dump folder) When I went to clear it out it took me over an hour till i finally got rid of it from my recycle bin I have never once seen an administrator fully explain these issue and take care and show much sympathy beyond the usual scripted answered. Maybe I am hoping for too much from a game with a payment system that is designed to entrap inexperienced players till they learn better and which requires you to have spent thousands of dollars on 1 account in order to have strong enough stats to compete with the top dogs. The game needs work but its fun as long as you are willing to put in an effort, prepare a ton or if your impatient just spend a ton of money to get to the top faster than the peppers. Who are the strongest Vikings? Its the richest vikings of course
Aug 24, 2018, 02:1708/24/18

So from testing both the browser and app versions I would say that both are very similar in fact too similar.The browser version works better for players who operate more than 1 account since logging between accounts is faster than the app due to the fact that the app auto clears its cache every time you log off from an account which clears out the preface, skin, etc data that helps you log back in to the same account or another account with a fast load speed till the cache gets overloaded. It also needs more detailed graphic options in the in-game system options specifically it needs an option to set the graphic pixel rate to low-medium-high since most users will want to regulate that to low for a faster load speed and lower cache requirements. As for the app I would rather not get too detailed with since the problems are numerous but i will link a previous post I made related to the app and its issues as well as recommendations I made in order to improve it and a fix for a problem that some players may face with it -

I would also hope that the game producers would do more tests on different computer rigs to find out how the game runs with different computer specs for the browser and app versions that will enable you to expand your knowledge of the problems that players will face when playing this game and also will help you to fix problems that exist with the game before your customers have to point them out for you. Hang onto those rigs for later tests as you update the game so that you will be able to experience the problems as the game evolves and help your users solve their problems with better answers than the good old clear your cache response.

Aug 24, 2018, 13:4108/24/18


That was just awesome! 

We assure you that your message with suggestions will thoroughly be investigated by our specialists. 

We forward all players' ideas to our developers. It is possible that your particular suggestion will be implemented in the future.

Thank you for helping to make our game better! 

Aug 24, 2018, 21:4008/24/18
Your welcome, I'm happy to be of help.
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