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not see ubers and some intruders and one kind of ghostnot see ubers and some intruders and one kind of ghost

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not see ubers and some intruders and one kind of ghost

Mar 23, 2018, 08:5503/23/18

not see ubers and some intruders and one kind of ghost


first I see no ubers, 2 kind of intruders and one kind of ghost when i go on today.

After the kvk scoring is new all I can see.

But now when I take a look to the other kingdom it is the same, I see only one intruder and one kind of ghost

Now i go to the other kingdom and it is the same. I see not all intruder and ghost

Now all is ok. It take about 20-30min to see all.

New the game hang. I must reload to get the newest information ex. kvk points
