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Plarium shuffled the cars.Plarium shuffled the cars.

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Plarium shuffled the cars.

Nov 14, 2019, 05:3511/14/19

Plarium shuffled the cars.

In poker, it is not allowed to shuffle the cards. By directing cvc towards Stronghold development only, Plarium did just that.

Let’s have a look at current Viking Warfare :

Clan Versus Clan no longer offers individual benefits. Only if you have a Stronghold and want to develop it further it has any means of existence. Others fight for peanuts (resources). No more Bastion of the Beast, no more 10% reduction on your towns knowledge or construction. Higher level players must buy more boosts from the bank to develop.

Kingdom versus Kingdom and its Revenge variant are consistent. Not the most exciting game, but it works out. 

Kingdoms Battle: Fury! is confusing at best. It is hard to make a strategy that works out. Enemies are everywhere and nothing is safe. Not a bad idea but they had better made it a local inter-clan event in my humble opinion. That would also deal with inter-clan alliances which I consider a concept for wimps.

Jotunheim is definitely the most boring game in Vikings. An attempt to build an Arena where players can match their strength with others. And risk their whole army in the process. What Plarium tends to forget here is that the reason why Arena’s were so popular in the Roman times is the gambling, not the blood : the fights were not so spectacular as depicted in the movies. And since there is no such excitement in Jotunheim, for most players it is just waiting for the monsters to arrive and get lucky to capture some. 

What is wrong with Strongholds?

Those who wonder don't mind being overcharged for virtual nothingness. The benefits of building a Stronghold are obviously meagre and most clans never got it past lvl 2. Only the special gear is worth your attention but all in all it turned out to become a lazy way to win cvc - until now. That is why I only ever stayed with a big clan until I had the gear I needed, and then left to a small clan to play skirmish cvc, which was great fun. 

Recently Plarium introduced the Tower of Odin in the Stronghold for your next level of spending. No thanks.


Even though I strongly applaud the new system for Clan versus Clan combat - it direly needed change, by reducing the awards to 'Stronghold only' the changes are a dead duck. Where I still used to play cvc because not all clans play SH only, now there is no more reason to play cvc at all, neither does it make sense to waste my time on Jotunheim. My options are : getting shaken around at Fury, and an only mildly incentivivising KvK and its antecedent.

Where I was strongly bullish since the implementation of daily quests, I am now bearish Vikings : War of Clans.


footnote : I play the game 2,5 y with a break of a year when SH boost became wholesale items. Picked up just about a month before daily quests were introduced.
