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Helping a clanmate find a Turkish Kingdom(Please Help)

Helping a clanmate find a Turkish Kingdom(Please Help)

Dec 1, 2018, 02:2912/01/18

Helping a clanmate find a Turkish Kingdom(Please Help)

I have a member that due to the language barrier we couldn't help him with bad habits. The uppers in clan had a vote and we removed him from clan. The guy is active. I just want to help him find a home that he could enjoy and grow in. If ANYONE can help me locate someone to help this guy get into a turkish kingdom it would be greatly appreciated.
Dec 1, 2018, 12:2112/01/18

I would repost it in ‚Clans of the North’ section. 

You will struggle to find turkish speaking kingdom, but I’ve seen plenty clans during CvC/KvK.

Good luck
Dec 30, 2018, 06:4412/30/18
Taken Without Consensus said:

I have a member that due to the language barrier we couldn't help him with bad habits. The uppers in clan had a vote and we removed him from clan. The guy is active. I just want to help him find a home that he could enjoy and grow in. If ANYONE can help me locate someone to help this guy get into a turkish kingdom it would be greatly appreciated.
Please don't send him and his "bad habits" to our kingdom lol