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Looking for some strong fighters to join us and help us destroyLooking for some strong fighters to join us and help us destroy

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Looking for some strong fighters to join us and help us destroy

Jun 28, 2020, 20:4106/28/20

Looking for some strong fighters to join us and help us destroy

  Hey guys,  we are looking for new players, who like to fight but are also active. We have a mostly peaceful kingdom but from time to time we have a little fighting between clans. Our clan is around 5 trillion influence at the moment and is trying to grow. We have a level 4 SH and all gear is unlocked . Our  members all look out for each other when you need anything  just let us know and we will do our best to help you out.  You need help with building your strengths or help with the resources to do that you couldn't ask for a better clan. Anyone that might be interested come check us out,  kingdom #397 and find our clan [K397] Glunskby. You can send me a message (Double-J-) or get in touch with our chief (Iron) or any other elders and we will send you a invite.  Hope to hear from you.


Any clans that are looking to switch kingdoms but don't want to have to rebuild your SH get with me and maybe your clan can join with us if your interested   .
