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frenc multinational clan is looking for new members frenc multinational clan is looking for new members

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frenc multinational clan is looking for new members

Jan 18, 2020, 13:4001/18/20

frenc multinational clan is looking for new members

Hello all,

clan "Les Francs 476" in kingdom 280 is currently looking for new members. Clan influence is around 800b. Coords of clan stronghold: x 239, y 569

We are urgently looking for people who are interested in fighting as we want to score even better in events like fury and jot. We always try our best in these events but we only have 3 really good fighters at the moment. Thats why we're looking forward to getting help. We also want to open the stronghold defence but here the same problem: we dont have enough fighters for it. We are really happy for any help we can get.

We are only 2nd clan in our kingdom but our top clan shares reputes with us. We have peace in kingdom, so there is no tile hitting or attacking unshielded towns in peace times. We already have a stronghold lvl 4 and a lot of knowledge and drafts unlocked. 

Would be nice if there are a few fighters who would like to join us. We need you :)

english contact: Helga, Lord, dark

german contact: dark

french contact: chief and any other elder 

Hope to see you soon.  For more infos message one of us ;)
