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Clan 5KULLCRUSHERZ is Recruiting Clan 5KULLCRUSHERZ is Recruiting

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Clan 5KULLCRUSHERZ is Recruiting

Jan 16, 2020, 21:0501/16/20

Clan 5KULLCRUSHERZ is Recruiting

we are an English speaking clan, ranked in the top 10 for our kingdom. we consistently win our cvc's and our members work hard to bring in plenty of gold.

we are an active clan and we value communication between our members. we ask our members to contribute to our event score as regularly as they can, but understand that real life has to come first. we are willing to work with new players to help them learn the game and grow their town.

we are generally a peaceful clan, we like to keep our home kingdom free of hostility and save our blood lust for kvk's and cvc's. that being said we don't tolerate bullying from other clans and have a large network of ally's we can call on to aid us, should the need arise. 

if you think you might be a good fit for our clan, or have any questions, please send me a pm.