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English Speaking Clan Eur pacific Nth American

English Speaking Clan Eur pacific Nth American

Apr 11, 2019, 08:0804/11/19

English Speaking Clan Eur pacific Nth American

Hey guys n girls 

We are a English speaking clan looking for  high lv English speaking towns to join.  Our chief is 400bil + and is committed to seeing his clan grow.  We win our cvc's and generally reach the milestones 9/10, 10/10 of all the major quests i.e. kvk/cvc lust, fury kvk etc. If you are in a small active clan that has a mix of farmers/fighters that are actively growing you would be welcome and will benefit from the bonuses to the 9, 10/10 milestones we get. Sponges are not welcome and will be kicked. The kingdom is in harmony with the local russian clan and share pop to keep the peace so our farmers can grow. Our SH is lv3 with most of the knowledge done, holding off on completing it to gain points in cvc when needed. We are a fun bunch with normally someone to chat to in your timezone. contact kingdom 339 and one of the elders of Game of Thrones #339.

Seek and Destroy

Burn and Pillage 

The Blackfish
