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Siege units are OP!

Siege units are OP!

Jan 30, 2018, 14:5101/30/18

Siege units are OP!

Many players do not underestimate siege units and use only t1 for tiles. I think siege units are very strong in the later stages of the game. Most players use infantry, and their direct counter siege units. Therefore I want to give your attention a set of siege units that I use.

I try to maximize protection rate because to the maximum level gives the highest bonuses.

Def set:

-Leif's Helmet

-Leif's Vest

-Leif's Broadaxe

-Sweyn's Greaves

-Leif’s Map x2

What do you thinks about it?

Jan 30, 2018, 17:1401/30/18
I agree that siege are very strong, our big fighters use them a lot as so many players use melee.  The big draw back to siege units is that they are usually last in the knowledge tree, so they cost a lot more rss/time to get the same knowledge as a melee.  Even with a 50% bonus against melee, weak knowledge siege will lose against strong knowledge melee, so you need to be committed to spending the extra for knowledge.   
Jan 31, 2018, 14:3001/31/18

Absolutely agree with you. btw, did you notice that the now runes have no bonuses for siege? I think it connects with less popularity of this troops type, but I hope they add this.

Jan 31, 2018, 17:3901/31/18

I really like siege units and their bonuses against infantry, but they need much more time for good knowledge.
Anybody use t1 siege units for attack?

Feb 1, 2018, 07:4102/01/18

Rocketman said:

I really like siege units and their bonuses against infantry, but they need much more time for good knowledge.
Anybody use t1 siege units for attack?

Hi! I use t1 siege only for yielding. And I'm sure that the most of us do it too.

Feb 14, 2018, 04:0502/14/18
I have seen people use siege for farming unshielded towns for resources.
Feb 14, 2018, 09:2402/14/18

CIM said:

I have seen people use siege for farming unshielded towns for resources.

I do the same. The best capacity but not so good movespeed. Anyway lost t1 this is not so big affliction. 

Mar 1, 2018, 06:5603/01/18

My whole army of 40m trips of which 30m is t1 is just siege nothing else (not counting scouts) . I am very deadly, I can take any single hit.  However the runes are a game changer and someone with t6 melee plus attack runes for them presents a huge problem. Therefore I started working on it too so soon my army will be half melee too with t6. There are no runes for siege like you mentioned and t6 siege is not viable at this time, its literally last in line even after killers.

So my opinion siege are very good at the start of the game but late game if you don't have the coin for t6 upgrades and unless they bring us siege runes melee is a way better option.