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vikings war of clans reinforcements

vikings war of clans reinforcements

Oct 2, 2017, 15:5010/02/17

vikings war of clans reinforcements

If i have reinforcements in my town (because i am bubbled and my clanny wasn't) then i break my bubble and am attacked. What happens to the reinforcements? Do they fight and defend my castle with my troops? If they die, or need healing, Do they go back home for that or do they go to my infirmaries?
Oct 3, 2017, 13:3410/03/17
If you are attacked with reinforcements in your town, they will fight to protect your palace. After the battle they will return back to there own town.
Oct 5, 2017, 14:2310/05/17
Oct 5, 2017, 14:23(edited)


We can help a member of the clan by sending reinforcements.


-which feeds the reinforcements:

the city of origin continues to feed them.

-boosts from the heroes of their hometown:

heros must accompany the reinforcements so that they benefit from his boosts.

-how many reinforcements:

the maximum is determined by the level of the mead hall in the assisted city.

-removal of reinforcements:

the assisted city can send them back from the mead hall.

-recall of reinforcements:

the city of origin can recall them from the sanctuary of Odin

-cf duneatick: "If you are attacked with reinforcements in your town, they will fight to protect your palace. After the battle they will return back to there own town."

Dec 17, 2017, 18:4512/17/17
Dec 17, 2017, 18:46(edited)

copied from


-You can only exchange reinforcements with clansmen who are in the same Kingdom as you

(whether that is your home or the opposing one).

-You cannot relocate your Town if warriors have been sent (or received) as reinforcements to another Town.