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New game mechanics, new opportunities

New game mechanics, new opportunities

Jun 20, 2021, 05:5506/20/21

New game mechanics, new opportunities

After this last game update, many things have changed, only for the better!

You must stay tuned that buildings upgrades now gives large bonuses, like that:


Increases 30% Total Health, and see that it is just in lvl36 , imagine in the lvl40.

To put your palace at lvl40 and your buildings, you will need two things, basically: golden nuggets and shards.

First, you can find nuggets as rewards in a lot of events. Destroying Monsters in Jotunheim gives a lot, take a look: 


You also can find golden nuggets in unmissable Bank offer packs:


Second, shards can be obtained during your Clan siege,  battles in Jotunheim, defending PoP, attacking towers in holmgang events, anyway, there is diverse ways to get shards.

One tip to get more shards during siege, is reinforce stronghold sending troops using 3250% enlargement troop size, and using big boosts 500% attack/defense bonus, mainly in a "blue hits" jotunheim troops, see:


To get more big boosts 500%, you can auto explore nodes in helheim catacombs.

For this, you can try to set your champion gears and skills like that:



After teaching about how to upgrade fast your buildings at lvl40, its time to talk about another new mechanic introduced in the last game update: tier 8 troops.

You just need put Oracle in lvl36 and train a lot of lvl8 troops. Oh, remind to upgrade their skills in Valkyries Citadel:


The same goes for scouts.

Another new feature, the Second-stage secret Knowledge. It is important to keep upgrading these kind of knowledge to still strong and win battles. There is a special one: Bloodlust. It gives a temporary offense bonus to your troops, but you just can use it when your town is unshielded.


Costs increases for each category you choose upgrade in second stage secret knowledge.

So, a good streak of upgrades is start doing "Fortresses II", "Tier VIII Troops", "Health", and so on...

Another novelty is Supreme Ghost.

A new kind of Ghost, available on the map, it gives bigger rewards, but it costs more energy to hit, because it is stronger than normal ghosts.

Finally, new seasons and competitions.


You can earn Runic coins and get new town skin that gives interesting military bonus.


There is also a new achievement: Art of War!


Seems to get it, you must activate big boosts 500% defense/attack and 3250% enlargement, summon Modi aesir, and after that, enjoy an Onslaught attack.

I hope this article contributes to the gaming community.

My game ID: 8257590
