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Guardian skin ?

Guardian skin ?

Jun 20, 2021, 02:3906/20/21

Guardian skin ?

how do you get Guardian skin for hero??

Jun 20, 2021, 09:0506/20/21
Jun 20, 2021, 09:05(edited)

Hi Hackson!

A new unique Hero's Skin can be obtained by taking part in the campaign by the Moscow State Historical Museum. Please note that this promotion is time-limited. Thus, in order to get the unique Hero's Skin, you need to buy a ticket to the "Vikings exhibition. Way to the East".

You can get more detailed information about the exhibition and buy a ticket at the link:

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you😊

Jul 3, 2021, 17:0807/03/21

Being Canadian or USA citizens, we aren't allowed to buy this skin. How does this make the game fair to those of us that live on the other side of the world? Some have played this game since it started. You don't want us playing , I guess????

Jul 3, 2021, 18:5007/03/21

Hi Jarls! Tickets are available but due to some technical issues on the site, as I mentioned earlier the exhibition page is available only in Russian, but you can use the in-browser translator to perform the necessary actions. 🙏

Jul 3, 2021, 22:1407/03/21

 After Kimalala posted and  I replied, out of further curiosity  I went to the website. 

Used the translation button, and found the price of the tickets, but I did not see any reference to the guardian skin,so couldnt find out what it does.

Jul 3, 2021, 23:5007/03/21

do we pick the option of other states.. I did so. and tried to purchase one in a box that said it had 50. and it keeps turning me down for payment. What am I missing in order to purchase it?

Jul 4, 2021, 00:1207/04/21

guess I should say, I'm canadian.. but I don't see any option besides other states.. can you please help me with this.. thank you

Jul 4, 2021, 23:4707/04/21

You seem pretty determined to get one, so you must think they are worth having.

Jul 5, 2021, 13:5307/05/21
Jul 5, 2021, 15:56(edited)

I found out about it through a kindgom clan member who already has it. He is Russian. Can I ask him to purchase the ticket for me? NO?  We may talk on the game, but that doesn't make us friends. I say this as the video provided by another player posted  in string below.. get a friend to purchase it for you.. My browser was already set up to translate pages, so I didn't need that info

and hi xyz. 

Jul 13, 2021, 12:5107/13/21

You seem pretty determined to get one, so you must think they are worth having.

Lets take it to the extreme here. 15 players equally decked out in strength. 15 players join a OS, everyone got the new hero skin that grants 6% offense to t7. That equals 90% extra offense.

Exactly how this is calculated only God and plarium knows, but it sure aint useless. Hopefully a good replacement will come around. 

Jul 13, 2021, 13:5907/13/21

I never  found out what it does, so thanks for the input, when you put it like that it makes sense to those that it will benefit.

Jul 19, 2021, 18:5707/19/21
Ivar Marksman

Hi Hackson!

A new unique Hero's Skin can be obtained by taking part in the campaign by the Moscow State Historical Museum. Please note that this promotion is time-limited. Thus, in order to get the unique Hero's Skin, you need to buy a ticket to the "Vikings exhibition. Way to the East".

You can get more detailed information about the exhibition and buy a ticket at the link:

If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help you😊

It is not a browser problem as you have stated.  The translation has nothing to do with ability of buying.  The processing bank, in my case in USA, wells fargo blocks it, even with authentication from me. basically USA players and a whole bunch of EU players can't buy this skin.  Way to go geniuses, in finding a Plarium way to even buy a ticket.  

I know , I know, "clear my browser cache and data and try again. if it continues contact the genius desk!", right?  

what a potz

Jul 20, 2021, 11:2607/20/21
Jul 20, 2021, 13:01(edited)

It is not a browser problem as you have stated.  The translation has nothing to do with ability of buying.  The processing bank, in my case in USA, wells fargo blocks it, even with authentication from me. basically USA players and a whole bunch of EU players can't buy this skin.  Way to go geniuses, in finding a Plarium way to even buy a ticket.  

I know , I know, "clear my browser cache and data and try again. if it continues contact the genius desk!", right?  

what a potz

Hi Sean! From the side of the museum, there are no restrictions on the regions of payment for the purchase of a ticket, you can also try to contact your bank to find out more detailed information.

Please note that this campaign will last until October 1! 

Have a nice day! 🤗

Jul 20, 2021, 19:3307/20/21

It may be  as I suggested in my first post, that there is some legal impediment which prohibits the purchase of said item.

Also .as I wrote , even though its sounds a good deal. it would be of no use to me, if I could get a ticket and so the skin.