Quick Guide: how to survive for Beginners

1 basics
- morons are always everywhere, deal with it (and/or use your blacklist to block private messages and common chat writings)
2 try to find a clan as soon as you can
- click or tap the clans page (shown in your townview at the bottom of your window) and then "list of clans"
- if you tap a emblem there you will see their infopage with some informations listed by them
- dont send random requests to every clan
- talk to them first (message their chief or elders as a example) and ask if they invite you if the clan is closed
- you can join every open clan, everytime
note: you can leave that clan everytime if you dont like their gameplay or their behavior
3 build your town, army and help your clanmates
4 you get attacked and lost all your troops and most of your resources* - what now?
- your clan will help you as good as they can to heal your wounds
- if not, you have to help yourself
5 hide your stuff!!!
there are many ways to reduce the number of attacks. i will list three.
6 Got it?
- YES! CANT WAIT TO BURN MY KINGDOM!!! (stop reading here now)
- no?!
7 just be cool
shield up or if you cant afford it, send your troops to a shielded clanmember and all your resources to your clanbank* before you leave the game.
yes, that easy - have fun :)
8 i understand, but why do they attack me that often?
- see 1
- they need points for events or resources
clanbank = a player with long-term shield who just holds resources and troops
resources = iron, lumber, stone, silver and food