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Clan Stronghold

Clan Stronghold

Jan 25, 2017, 13:2801/25/17

Clan Stronghold

The Clan Stronghold (abbr. SH) was introduced in the game update a week before xmas 2016.

The clan chief can build this anywhere on the map, and its original size are 12x12 tiles or 144 squares (which probably can be extended later (see House of Jarls)), and it can not be moved when it has been placed. The whole area is called the Stronghold valley.

The buildings that can be constructed in the stronghold are (in order)

  • Brewers' Yard. 
  • Stonecutters' Yard 
  • Carpenter's Yard 
  • Smelters' Yard 
  • Mintage Yard 

Shamans' Residence

To start its construction you need a lot of rss: 1 Billion of Food, Lumber and Stone, 750M of Iron ands 250M of Silver. Added to this you need 10k "Scrolls" and then it takes 12 weeks 6 days to construct (see picture). The construction time can be shortened by applying Stronghold boosts. A forcefield barrier appears on map to show the boundary of the Stronghole valley.

Once your Stronghold is built you'll want to start sending resources to the Resource building.

All towns of your own clan that is located in the Stronghold valley gains additional bonuses and advantages: +20% on resource production, +8% Gold yielding speed, and +8% on Troop offense (this for the first level of the Stronghold.

Jan 25, 2017, 22:0501/25/17

Are you going to keep increasing the existing bonuses on the SH or new ones will be introduced with new levels? SH is worthless unless it helps us, like with our individual knowledges and constructions..... current cost/benefit isn't no one cares about SH

Jan 27, 2017, 07:3601/27/17
How do you upgrade the stronghold to level 2?
Jan 27, 2017, 22:5801/27/17
Moomin said:

How do you upgrade the stronghold to level 2?
There is no lvl2 yet.
Jan 28, 2017, 07:3801/28/17
The stronghold is a joke and a scam up to this point. 
Jan 31, 2017, 15:3801/31/17
Solstark said:

The Stronghold offers only the 'Economics' section in the 'Shaman's Residence' at the moment. Clouds will most likely lift come Level 2 and will hopefully reveal new building plots and add more sections in 'Shaman's Residence'.

A scam as you say it is actually an investment you're going to need anyway.
Exactly. Its only a "scam" like the rest of the game is. Is any of it worth doing/buying? lol. Our clan has ours maxed, I'm thinking its eventually gonna be important, and we'll be glad we have it. Right now, its nice parking there if your not doing anything else. Rss production is boosted. Attacks within the sh are as well.
Feb 6, 2017, 15:0202/06/17
It is stupid that the resources collected for stronghold are as normal resources in clan chiefs stronghold - they can be stolen. it would be better if they are stored elsewhere but not in normal storage in one town.
Feb 13, 2017, 15:4602/13/17
andrej963 said:

It is stupid that the resources collected for stronghold are as normal resources in clan chiefs stronghold - they can be stolen. it would be better if they are stored elsewhere but not in normal storage in one town.
I totally agree, this is forcing clan leader to live under peace treaty and not be able to help with KvK events or gather resources from buildings.  From what I gather from the limited information on these forums, is that production buildings stop producing once capacity is reached.   There should be a Clan Vault for storage of SH resources.
Feb 14, 2017, 17:0602/14/17
Simple question, can a stronghold be attacked???
Feb 26, 2017, 20:1502/26/17
Feb 26, 2017, 20:35(edited)

Simple question.

In the Stronghold Tab you can choose to send resource that will be stored at the clan leaders stronghold.

I presume that is the resource neede to build the clan stronghold and will not appear in any other location as under the clan tab stronghold?

So it cannot be looted or otherwhise be lost. It just simply sits at the clan leader untill all resource is complete in order to be able to start construction.

That is my deduction of that tab under Clan.

As I understood from my clan leader it is open for looting wich is a option that should not be there. It would force any clan leader to be under shield until he/she is able to start building the stronghold. Also, if its available in his counter he/she would be able to use it for his/her own building proces wich is not the reason members are sending that stuff to him in the first place.

Huge game bug or a huge mistake from dev. Ruines the game on clan level.

Mar 3, 2017, 10:0503/03/17

The fact that rss sent to build the Stronghold can be looted as normal is so wrong. How are you supposed to give Billions in resources if Your clan is getting attacked every day,  constantly. What is the point of playing if you are under Treaty all the time.

I have bought a package to play and get myself highish level but will not be buying any more until this is changed.

While I'm at it. Why in every event is their a Clan Power or Lust for power, there is no respite from constant fighting and no way to defend unless you are on screen and spot the attack. They somehow need to level the field a little bit.

Seriously thinking of quitting or at worst joining a powerful clan and join the bullys.
Mar 27, 2017, 10:4503/27/17

Different question:

We built our SH and found out, that there are different travelling times, depending on the location where exactly around your SH your Town is positioned. Even two spots at the same side of the Stronghold are not identical. Is there a reason, why they are not equal? Is there a rule, what position has what travel time?

Thanks for an answer.
Mar 27, 2017, 14:0803/27/17

s.rueping said:

Different question:

We built our SH and found out, that there are different travelling times, depending on the location where exactly around your SH your Town is positioned. Even two spots at the same side of the Stronghold are not identical. Is there a reason, why they are not equal? Is there a rule, what position has what travel time?

Thanks for an answer.

Don't you have a different speed because of the level of knowledge in Oracle?

Apr 3, 2017, 08:1704/03/17

No, it cant have anything to do with that.

Why would our low level member have the same 17 seconds from that spot as I do and when i change my position to the opossite site of the Stronghold, it takes me 35 or even 53 seconds to transport something into it. Makes no sense to me.

Has noboby the same problem? Or it is just accepted knowledge?

Apr 7, 2017, 05:0604/07/17
Apr 7, 2017, 05:12(edited)

I noticed some of the researches need Shaman's residence LVL 2.  But I can't see anywhere to upgrade it to level 2. Has this upgrade been added to game or am I blind?

With regards to clan leader needed to perma-shield until SH is built, we had this problem too. Luckily they kept a shield on but after SH was built we won the clan events and had like 1000 million resources sent to him before he could spread it out or send to SH (which costs a lot of resources) his game crashed and couldn't log in for 3 days to shield up and was attacked in the KVK and lost it all.  The rss needed to build the strong hold or clan rewards for winning an event need to be in a secure vault and not be left in a players base for it to get lost when the game crashes.
Apr 9, 2017, 21:1004/09/17

Damn that's bad luck Karlsgames :( I to would love to know if we can now upgrade the SH to Lv2 i saw a post from January stating it cant be done yet but was wondering if anything had changed now?

Apr 10, 2017, 09:1204/10/17
rockstomp said:

Damn that's bad luck Karlsgames :( I to would love to know if we can now upgrade the SH to Lv2 i saw a post from January stating it cant be done yet but was wondering if anything had changed now?

They add military knowledges to the Stronghold. You will be able to improve SH to lvl 2 after adding the second level of Stronghold.
Apr 23, 2017, 05:0804/23/17

I have a simple question for pro gamers like you,

How can I rename or give my clan-stronghold a new name? I am too silly to find it. Thanks for your answers
Apr 24, 2017, 16:3904/24/17
As Chief, can I destroy the stronghold? What happens to all of the rss?
Apr 25, 2017, 13:2504/25/17
Fire Goat said:

As Chief, can I destroy the stronghold? What happens to all of the rss?
Yes, you can. As far as i remember - you will lose it.
May 2, 2017, 05:0405/02/17
I have attacked a couple of towns with shields down in another kingdom and literally got my butt kicked, and this was with a lot of troops. What are towns doing to be this strong defensively without a shield?