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Calling All Active Female Players

Calling All Active Female Players

Aug 24, 2023, 15:4408/24/23

Calling All Active Female Players

My name is Daneen & I was recently made Chief of my clan, formerly known as AForce1!. I have decided to try an all-female clan & have since renamed my clan Fearsome Femmes (FFs). We are #810 in the kingdom of Forkennburg, level 3 stronghold (& growing) & have almost 159,000,000,000 influence. As it stands, I have one other member who is male but I have grandfathered him in & given him the option to stay if he wishes. I thought that only fair. However, I'd like to recruit only females from now on, regardless of influence. I myself have a level 33 kingdom but any & all females will be accepted. Quite frankly, I'm tired of winning so many battles by myself & I know it'd be cool to kick @$$ as an all-female clan in this male-dominated game. So please check us out & let's win, woman style! Lol
