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Proguide for most effective attack against invaders

Proguide for most effective attack against invaders

May 8, 2018, 14:1005/08/18

Proguide for most effective attack against invaders

If you want to have an effective attack against invaders you need to reach Hero ‘s level 55, so you can set hero skills in the most effective way. You need 65skill points set the following way :

Hero skills → against invaders

Weaken invaders 10/10

Hero energy depletion 15/15

Hero ‘s offense 15/15

Hero ‘s sustained attack 15/15

You are going to need also maximum knowledge for invaders.

The following knowledge is appropriate for the most effective attack:

Knowledge → invaders

Unlock invaders I 1/1

Hero ‘s critical hit I 10/10

Hero ‘s endurance I 10/10

Unlock invaders II 1/1

Hero ‘s sustained attack I 10/10

Hero ‘s offense I 10/10

Hero ‘s critical hit II 10/10

Unlock invaders III 1/1

Unlock invaders IV 1/1

Reduce invader defense 10/10

Hero ‘s sustained attack II 10/10

Hero ‘s offence II 10/10

Hero ‘s endurance II 10/10

Unlock invaders V 1/1

Unlock invaders VI 1/1

After the knowledge is done you are ready to attack your first invaders. 

If the knowledge mention before is completed your sustained attack is caped at 600%. To reach that cap you need to use 40 normal attacks. After the sustained attack cap is reached you can use enhanced attack to finish the invader off.

This tactic is important since it increases the damage done to an invader and as a result the rarity of the materials dropped on every hit, since rarity is connected to the damage inflicted to an invader. Considering this using hero offence boost if available can provide an additional 20% in offence for one hour, slightly increasing your chance for rare materials. 

Its crucial to not change target until the invader is killed cause that will reset your sustained attack bonus. 

The first invaders you must attack are Royal guardsman and Avarin. These invaders can drop you the appropriate materials that you need for the hero ‘s equipment against invaders . The equipment you need is :

Guardsman Helmet (hero ‘s offense 4.4% , reduce invader defense 4.4%, hero ‘s endurance 4.8%)

White robe (hero ‘s offense 4.4, hero ‘s endurance 4.8%)

Plated Gauntlet x2 (reduce invader defense 4.4%, hero ‘s endurance 4.8%)

Sword of Vengeance (hero ‘s offense 4.4%, reduce invader defense 4.4%)

White boots (hero ‘s offense 4.4%, reduce invader defense 4.4%, hero ‘s endurance 4.8%)

To conserve energy is beneficial to attack invaders when the - 10% hero’s energy depletion global bonus is active. This way you save 10% energy per hit which reduces the overall energy needed to kill one invader. 

GAME ID: 24519246

Aug 4, 2018, 15:4008/04/18

Athough kkadas00 's post is of use, and something to aim for, I think there are lots of gaps in the information that could/should be covered   however  I suspect that this in formation is a little too advanced for you DUDE.

You intially need only one piece of research in order to attack invaders, everything else after that, that you can do, as mentioned above is a bonus.

There is an apparant implied suggestion that you wait till you are Hero 55, and have all the research done, and  only then are you ready to attack an invader, but also you should wait and only attack the Royal Guardsman.

How soon you can get the suggested targets, will depend on your game play time, and strategy, and how much real money you are prepared to  spend on the game.

Meanwhile,you might as well  be attacking lower level invaders with the free energy the game gives you, rather than waiting for the Royal Guardsman to show up, or till you have enough skills and energy packs to be a ble to  do sustained attacks against the Avarin, which is an Uber Invader.

The Royal Guardsman IS something worth aiming for ,as it  true that it helps you attack every other invader at a lower energy cost.

However,other invaders have material  also worth having,but it can be beneficial not to spread your attacks on every invader and intially concentrate on those that are most useful to your needs .

Dec 30, 2018, 04:2512/30/18


Athough kkadas00 's post is of use, and something to aim for, I think there are lots of gaps in the information that could/should be covered   however  I suspect that this in formation is a little too advanced for you DUDE.

You intially need only one piece of research in order to attack invaders, everything else after that, that you can do, as mentioned above is a bonus.

There is an apparant implied suggestion that you wait till you are Hero 55, and have all the research done, and  only then are you ready to attack an invader, but also you should wait and only attack the Royal Guardsman.

How soon you can get the suggested targets, will depend on your game play time, and strategy, and how much real money you are prepared to  spend on the game.

Meanwhile,you might as well  be attacking lower level invaders with the free energy the game gives you, rather than waiting for the Royal Guardsman to show up, or till you have enough skills and energy packs to be a ble to  do sustained attacks against the Avarin, which is an Uber Invader.

The Royal Guardsman IS something worth aiming for ,as it  true that it helps you attack every other invader at a lower energy cost.

However,other invaders have material  also worth having,but it can be beneficial not to spread your attacks on every invader and intially concentrate on those that are most useful to your needs .

Very useful for newbies. Thank you WDYWTNTF :)

Mar 2, 2020, 09:0103/02/20
Mar 2, 2020, 09:22(edited)

Yes, All of this useful and appropriate information.  I thought the 2nd post was more than implied in the first, as *effective* is also stated, not just implied. ;-)

 And indeed, having other materials is *always* useful, as one will not just want this gear! 

  FWIW, those who'd like to play defensively, especially while 'leveling up' will want to consider "Lynx Gear' :-)

Widely available information: 

Defense Gear

Helmet: Fur Hood – Troop Defense During Defense 24%

Armor: Lynx Hide – Troop Defense During Defense 24%

Weapon: Serrated Blade – Troop Defense During Defense 24%

Boots: Stealthy Boots – Troop Defense During Defense 24%

Amulet: Lynx's Fang (2) – Troop Defense During Defense 24%

Most of this gotten by killing, of course.... Lynx Invaders! 

Since we are all beginners only once at anything... I encourage beginners posting what is learned, soon after learning it... before it becomes 2nd nature, and while still remembering what it's like to be a beginner!  And so, of course, including additional information is always useful and desired... no need to point out the lack of information, other than to well, just add the information. ::thumbs up::

Advanced players often forget, the first questions, the unknowns; the what, where, and whys of all stuff noobie... Ex: Your shield time remaining is (for web based players) on the middle of the 3 bubbles on the right.  It always shows how much time remaining is on the shield... BUT only when you don't have any other boosts active.  Those boosts with shorter timers will often take precedence over the shield timer until they run out. Then the remaining shield time will show again.  Which, for a newbie, can be kind of freaky when you're used to seeing shield time, and it shows it expires in 9 minutes... then you realize (whew) that's the knowledge boost time, not the shield time.

These things are something every beginner, usually, experiences at least once. Sometimes, even when you know that happens as an experienced player! lol

We who have played a while, often forget there was a time when....  (where's that shield boost!, that "Yielding speed increase", that "Knowledge Upgrade Speed up", that "30 minute Will to live!" BEFORE the battle..., and etc.  And, the smug answer...  "Under my favorites, has yet to have meaning for that newbie!" We .... forget! 

BTW, I've been playing for... well, only a couple of months.. as of this date... and I've yet to find a comprehensive list of gems and the gear for desired effect guide... it's actually *almost* obvious... but, well... not quite.  So, you expert beginners... gem guide info would be a most welcome addition... and if anyone knows of one already... please post a link... Here would be nice... but, well, anywhere... Vikings War of Clans GEM GUIDE, would be a welcome set of KEY WORDS! lol

Mar 2, 2020, 21:3303/02/20
Mar 2, 2020, 21:34(edited)

What a lot of you wrote is true, and often stated previously ,that long term players advice is often out of step with what a new player requires,or can actually do..

If you happen to start a new town in a new kingdom, it can remind you how much you have come to rely upon.

With reference to your request/suggestion about gem guide and gear guide.

I believe that most of the information that any player needs regarding most issues, especially for gear and gems  is already to be found ,though not collated, in game, in the forge/gem store areas.

However much of it is being re-posted officially by the admin here on the forum,in DATA SECTION, some of it is quite long and somewhat bewildering I think.

Also unless it has been deleted, I think there is a very good post about gear somewhere on the forum, I know the last time I looked for it I couldn't find it, but subsequently found some time later by accident, but didn't make a note of exactly where it was.

The basic information will not have changed since the many updates in other areas of the game.

Jun 1, 2021, 00:2206/01/21

what runes can be added to invader gear to make it better to kill invaders 

Jun 1, 2021, 15:5006/01/21

As far as I am aware there are none.... presently.......