New Vikings war of clans Shamans and scout equip tips
Here is a equip guide with new shamans what we got in last Vikings war of ckans patch. They are Ulf the Brave and Wendla-of-Shadow. As most of you, i think, guys, I have summoned Baggi the Big now btw
They’re both Ulf and Wendla has war bonuses mainly, i hope then will be other war shamans bcz now it’s only melee and scout bonuses + and it’s not my main :(
So there is a table with compare all Shamans bonuses:
So i decide to offer scout shaman set and there is equip that i want to collect, btw want to notice that i prefer defense > health when some equip parts don’t have any special scout bonuses
And there is the some tables for help you with farm materials orientation for each equip thing
And we need to farm at all:
1. Uber Invaders: Langobard, Pict, Avarin, Gepid
2. Invaders: Man-eater, Hounds, Cave Lion, Wild Boar, Royal Guardsman, Hun, Gascon, Serpent, Lynx, Celt, Centurion
3. Resources: All
Invader’s materials: Spiked Collar, Steel Chain, Rusty Spikes, Dog's Bone, Durable Leather, White Sand, Old Claw, Oak Bark x2, Rough Bristle x2, Bear Bones, Cap x2, Rivets Cast, Steel x 2, Oak Planks x2, Steel Plates x4, Broken Quiver, Old Belt, Torn Cloth, Forged Steel x2, Thin Leather, Strong Sole, Poisonous Teeth, Fossils x2, Green Scale, Forest Moss, Lynx Fur x2, Leather Straps, Raw Hide, Reddish Blood x2, White Leather x2, String, Poleaxe Blade, Clay,
Lauriel Leaves, Leather Strips, Linen Fabric.
Standard Materials: Diamond, Hide x2, Lead x3, Glass x2, Leather x8, Cotton x4, Elixir, Granite, Gypsum, Rope x4, Steel x2

And don’t forget about Legendary Night Veil Rune with +32% x6 Scout Offense
and about Gems х6
So SUM from equip:
Okay, that’s all and i wait for your comments, guys !