AsmodayApr 12, 2020, 05:5004/12/2009/03/175Und wieder malNAch jedem Update gibt es Probleme... heute startet das spiel erst gar nicht.... für was zahlen wir??? WO IST DER SUPPORT??? kein bock oder was???
GatoradeApr 12, 2020, 09:0204/12/2010/17/195That kind of problems? funny event isn't it?Well, at least heros started running, btw, i got 7 ubers in the 15mins boost, had to restart idontknowhowmanytimes.But that's ok, it's our computers who got responsibilities..........
DeletedApr 12, 2020, 09:0204/12/208Kingdom 356 like this too. Guessing support isn't working over easter