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Lost account

Lost account

Oct 29, 2018, 01:1910/29/18

Lost account

My name is Robert Byerly from kingdom 463,I tried to make second account for bank and when I tried to link to my other account,please help me i don't want to lose my main account,been playing for 1 year now and don't want to lose my troops and rrs
Oct 29, 2018, 05:5810/29/18
Oct 29, 2018, 05:59(edited)

robertbyerly94 said:

My name is Robert Byerly from kingdom 463,I tried to make second account for bank and when I tried to link to my other account,please help me i don't want to lose my main account,been playing for 1 year now and don't want to lose my troops and rrs


Could you, please, describe your situation step by step?

We want to help you but we need more information about your situation.

Waiting for your answer in private message and thanks in advance!

Oct 29, 2018, 13:0210/29/18

Are even sure  that it is the same account on the two devices? Its more likely to be a second game .

Sounds to me like you tried to start the same game on a device that would allow you to continue to use the game bank  for purchases because the device you were playing on no longer allows you to do this.

As far as I am aware  from reading things on the forum, you cannot switch the same game between two different types of connection.

You can restart your game if you get a new computer or phone on the new device  but I believe thats all.

Oct 29, 2018, 17:4210/29/18
I started playing on my Facebook account and had been active for almost a year.i wanted second account for a bank,so I uninstalled game and reinstalled it.i started a new game on Google.after the short tutorial on how play game,I went into setting to try and link my 2 accounts and it said something about replace now it will only let me on the new Google account,not my Facebook account,please if there's any way to get my Facebook account back would be awesome,im almost 5 billion influence and have alot of time and money in game and want to keep playing,and this is time sensitive matter,I only have 3 days left on shield,plus i have over 5 million troops i don't want to lose,my cellphone  number is 740 656 7640 if you can call me and let me know something,if i can't retrieve this account i will quit game because not starting all over 
Oct 29, 2018, 19:1010/29/18
Oct 29, 2018, 19:27(edited)

I now think when you mentioned bank,you meant a second town in the same kingdom, to act as a place to hold resources.

A bank doesnt have to be linked, its not two places with the same owner ,in the same kingdom, on the same connection at the same time, and that you just switch between them when needed,(something like that happens in a different game) its just another account  which is effectively run by you ,

I assume you must know that any new game is likely to be in a different kingdom, so would need to be moved before it reaches palace 6.

I am not sure why you needed to uninstall your account in order to start another one. Are you not allowed to just start another game,if you use Facebook or Google.

Did you first  make a note of all your details of that account? Hopefully you did and  it can be restored, and  that by uninstalling the game it is not gone for good

I only play on the pc,so am not familiar with how either face book or google accounts work, hopefully someone wih more understanding will be able to post here  with assistance if the support team cannot help you before your shield drops.