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RSS tiles not appearing again

RSS tiles not appearing again

Oct 3, 2018, 20:4410/03/18

RSS tiles not appearing again

During CvC in enemy clan’s kingdom RSS tiles after being farmed to zero are not reappearing in the area. I’m farming there all day and nearest rss tile is 16-20 km away (farmed close ones). Another bug to be sorted ASAP for obvious reasons. Thanks

Oct 3, 2018, 22:4410/03/18

I've yielded quite a bit in my time as a viking and one thing I've noticed is that resource tiles won't necessarily regenerate in the same area if you tend to babysit and not move from it. Relocate to a new area or send your harvesters on a wee march 

Not a bug though, in my opinion ;)
Oct 4, 2018, 00:3810/04/18

I would agree with you.

The regeneration of tiles would seem to be more complex than, you clear it, and it comes back pronto in the same spot .

They got to make money from seliing you relocations.
Oct 4, 2018, 19:0110/04/18
I know that rss tiles are not reappearing in same spot, but usually within few km of one farmed to zero. In this case they didn’t regenerate at all, so after 8 hours farming I’ve used ALL iron rss tiles within 46km radius (only 5 marches, tiles lvl 2). So this IS bug, but I think it was sorted out.