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Max Resource aid amount bug

Max Resource aid amount bug

Aug 23, 2018, 21:2608/23/18

Max Resource aid amount bug

At least on PC.

When one enter maximum resource amount in "Resources aid" input, wrong amount is selected.


Maximum convoy size is 12,425,000. If one enter that amount manually using digits, only 1.2M is selected / sent.

If one add or subtract 1 unit, or anything above / below, correct amount is sent. E.g:

Max Convoy size: 12,425,000
Tax rate: 8%

Enter          Sent Gross    Sent Net
12,425,001 12,425,000 11,431,000
99,999,999 12,425,000 11,431,000
12,424,999 12,424,999 11,431,000 (rounded up from 11,430,999.08)

12,425,000 1,242,500 1,143,100 (error - last zero vanishes)
12,000,000 12,000,000 11,040,000
124,250,000 12,425,000 11,431,000 (punching an extra zero)

If max amount is entered, exactly, the las digit is eaten up by the code.

If one use slider this bug is not affecting the amount.

Know it is a minor thing, but still.

Have cleared cache and all that.

Tested on Windows and Linux using Firefox, Vivaldi and Chrome.

Aug 24, 2018, 14:5608/24/18
Aug 24, 2018, 14:57(edited)


Thank you for informing us about this situation. This request has been forwarded to our technicians. Have a good day!

Aug 27, 2018, 12:4808/27/18

Hello UVUCA! We want to help, but to avoid misunderstanding if it's possible please attach video illustrating the issue. Thank you in advance and waiting for your answer.

Aug 29, 2018, 04:5408/29/18

Here are some GIF's from a recording illustrating the issue.

The big white numbers are keys being physically entered. Displayed by a keyboard software tool.

  1. Entering 1 unit less then max, all OK (12.4M selected):

  2. Entering Max amount Look at "Total Selected" / "To be sent" at bottom.

    It ends at 1.2M not 12.4 even though 12.4 is punched in.

  3. Entering 1 unit more then max, all OK (12.4M selected):

  4. Punching an extra zero at end.

    This "fixes" the issue, and correct amount is selected.

Hope this helps.

Aug 29, 2018, 07:5108/29/18


Thank you very much for providing us with this information. This request has been forwarded to our technicians for further investigation. We will contact you if we need any additional information. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience. Have a good day!

Aug 29, 2018, 22:0108/29/18

No worries. It is a minor nuisance. But – as you hopefully have focus on DRY/WET code etc, some of the thought is that it could affect other parts of the code as well.

Have a great day.