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What did you do Plarium ?

What did you do Plarium ?

Jun 26, 2022, 09:5906/26/22

What did you do Plarium ?

8After these latest updates and all others (especially for Asgard), it became obvious more than ever that some big clans have unfair advantage in Vikings.

The amount of town skins that are in circulation is staggering. Many of town skins I see for very first time, 90% of them I can't get because my clan is not big enough for Asgard (under 15t. An  have more than 1 trilion kills, but I feel like noob when Big clans start messing with me. Because only they can get many new town skins, new hero skins, new shaman gear, new Aesir and VIP, while we trail behind.

Just to put things into perspective, this last Jot which is behind us, showed how certain clans are ruining the game for everyone. Now more than ever people were burning losing everything because of insane OS size some had and their boosts.

585 million In OS, really ? 

They burned so many ppl it's insane. I lost many t8 bcs of this clan and shard gain was embarrassing. 


Jun 26, 2022, 10:0306/26/22

They made clan not so long ago, but it is evident what kind of advantage they have compared to other players. In second day of Jot after they hit me I've checked their clan stats, they had 31 trillion kills. At the end of second day they had 40t kills. Which means they killed more than 10 t troops in just 1 day 😳

Who wants to play in Jot like this ? 




Jun 26, 2022, 10:1306/26/22

Something must be done to level things up. Jot was fun before, most entertaining competition bcs of so many towns and interactions, fights, but now we just wait in fear of this and other Monster clans, we can't engage like before.

You need to make things more equal, by giving us new defensive abilities or reducing attacking boost which is not normal anymore. 

Jun 26, 2022, 11:1206/26/22

Your various posts give the answer to the question which you pose.  What Plarium Global Ltd have done is to shift the balance from favouring defence to favouring offence.

Of course that has happened by inadvertence.  Plarium Global Ltd spends time and energy on monetising the site, it does not have any understanding or interest in gaming.

It seems that the pixels you like to acquire are those describing a successfully purchased defence.  It is easy to understand why purchasing pixels that describe a failed defence is not so satisfying.

Perhaps you could try shifting your focus to acquire the pixels that describe a successfully purchased attack on a town.  But if that is too expensive a purchase, as you imply, you will need to find other pixels to buy - attacks on towers perhaps.

Jun 26, 2022, 12:3306/26/22

By pixels you mean shards and by purchase you mean... ? Not sure I understood you.

With that defense I lost 515 million t8 + 1 billion t7. I didn't earn 500 million shards in whole Jot, but 400 m. So that wasn't good purchase at all, rather lousy one. 

If normal clan had hit me, I would lose 200 million t7 at most. 

Mind you, this wasn't possible a month ago.

Jun 26, 2022, 19:2606/26/22

If you were in the know already, or took the trouble to check out his posts,the tone of his answer would be  crystal clear.

You probably know what pixels are? but the reference is to much like those that buy the latest fad  of Non Fungable Tokens, they are buying something that doesn't really exist, is pretty worthless, yet costs a fortune, but is believed to give their self worth a boost and lots of kudos.

Basically he is saying, and I tend to agree with him on some aspects, that the game should be played and not bought  because at the end of the day, when those that pay cannot support the cost of running it and their profit, those pixels are just going to vanish in a puff of smoke.

Jun 27, 2022, 10:5806/27/22

What is also annoying are Youtube giveaways. 

It's no big secret that mainly friends of youtubers or big influential players get rare new skins. I have been part of giveaways until I realised who is getting all juicy stuff while I got nothing. 

Overall objective feeling - big players and big clañs are more powerful than ever at insane rate they got stronger and stronger.

Plarium needs to stop this !

Jun 27, 2022, 13:2406/27/22

What is also annoying are Youtube giveaways. 

It's no big secret that mainly friends of youtubers or big influential players get rare new skins. I have been part of giveaways until I realised who is getting all juicy stuff while I got nothing. 

Overall objective feeling - big players and big clañs are more powerful than ever at insane rate they got stronger and stronger.

Plarium needs to stop this !

Unfortunately, Plarium is FOR PROFIT not FAIRNESS, big players and big clans spend big money. This is the way of the world. Plarium is the small/mid players true enemy. How to grow and accomplish events without burning is our main goal lately. We understand that Vikings is a fighting game and I enjoy developing new strategies to thwart bigger players and Plarium. But this is getting harder and harder to do with the recent upgrades. Therefore, we have decided to stop competing in certain events until which time we can withstand the onslaught of onslaughts. As the only current winning strategy against both Plarium and big players is nonparticipation as this saves troops, rss and money.

In an earlier article, I mentioned that SH sieges should only be attacked by enemy clan during cvc and this could be accomplished by the same code that developers already have in use with Holmgang. However, this would only help smaller players in reaching checkpoints and maintain interest in the game and disadvantageous to bigger players who are seeking easy shards. Of this is meet with the standard "forwarded to the developers."

So until that time I will continue to teach the game and pass what knowledge I have to other players. In hopes that they avoid the mistakes I have made in the game and can not undo.

Jun 28, 2022, 08:5906/28/22

I think there is much more money in mid players than in big ones. At least that's how market works. 

They could give us different leagues in Asgard and maybe Jot as they did in Holmgang. That way many more clans would really participate in fights and could get prizes that only big clans can have. 

Jun 28, 2022, 15:5206/28/22

We are sorry to hear that you feel this way, Jarls! It's really important for us to know your opinion🙏

All the feedback has been forwarded to our developer team and to our specialists.

Thank you for your honesty 🤗

Jun 29, 2022, 10:0106/29/22

Thank you Ivar, hope developing team will consider it and do something rather quickly bcs this is not a good position for 90% of players in the game. 

What can we do against monster clans ? Nothing. But they can do a lot of things to us lately and we realise it's their playground more than ever. We can just watch it as bystanders or be their victims, there is no 3rd option. 

Jul 21, 2022, 01:0307/21/22

Its like that new Fortress town skin that needs 1.5 BILLION runics just to upgrade to L2, fricking INSANE

Jul 21, 2022, 08:2807/21/22

Its like that new Fortress town skin that needs 1.5 BILLION runics just to upgrade to L2, fricking INSANE

Thank you for the feedback, Tammy, it has been forwarded to the devs👍

Your comments help us to get better🙌

Jul 21, 2022, 10:4107/21/22

John wrote

Of course that has happened by inadvertence.  Plarium Global Ltd spends time and energy on monetising the site, it does not have any  understanding or interest in gaming. 

The first part makes financial sense, if the latter is true it explains a lot, but isn't that counter productive?

Jul 22, 2022, 10:2007/22/22
Sep 29, 2022, 15:11(edited)

I understand that usually more time spent = more money spent but here the things are out of control, just look at the time to do daily stuff or the incredibly high time to do training events due to the tavern, etc.


Jul 24, 2022, 19:3607/24/22

Another Jot has passed and Monster clan doubled their kill number in less than a month. Nothing has changed in a game. This clan is burning everything they aim at with insane OS size, new town skins (all for attack bonus on towns), new gears. 

Word is out that some players have better package deals and that giveaways of new town skins or whatever valuable rare prizes, usually go to those special ones. 



Jul 25, 2022, 03:1307/25/22

I would suggest that there is nothing new in some players getting better bank deals, it was a hot topic ,once upon a time.

Jul 25, 2022, 04:5407/25/22
Jul 26, 2022, 02:01(edited)

The game is broken in many ways. I compare it to Pokemon cardgame if you remember : If you wanted to win, you needed the strongest ultra-rare card. One single card. You have it, you win, no matter what the opponent does.

Strategy is all gone in this game. It's power only. The more powerful guys you get together, the less chance you get beaten by anyone. Asgard is the summit of that, but it happens on all levels of play. You can be a stong lvl 39, or two, or three, any lvl 40 beats the crap out of them. No strategy needed. 

Vikings is dead, its that simple. I told them a whole year already and it only got worse. They don't listen. I am out.