I was going to answer here but could not exactly remember,nor locate the information John has given.
I thought it mentioned all the rules for C.v.C there, but have had to wait for the announcement of the competition to check, and found what I wanted to read,absent, and also seemingly changed since I last read it.
Though possible,unlikely perhaps, it could be because I am excluded from C.v.C.
Regarding the transfer of power whilst absent,or for other reasons.
Assuming this option was known of beforehand.
It is possible no one was aware of the penalties for the chief not playing.
Also there are dangers to be had from transfering the chiefdom,and then getting it back, giving it back,all of which I know about from direct, indirect,and personal observation.
In one of the kingdoms I play in ,someone was given the title, wouldn't give it back, kicked out many, if not all of those with personal grievances against,took over the strongold and the POP and you can see what happens from then.