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Kingdom Peace

Kingdom Peace

Mar 6, 2022, 17:3703/06/22

Kingdom Peace

I am at a loss here. This is called Vikings:War of Clans, yet a number of kingdoms promote kingdom wide peace. Why is this? This is Vikings, not Farmville. Vikings fight. They don't bow down to authoritarian clans who rule kingdoms telling them who they can and cannot fight. So pray tell me. Which kingdoms do not have this ridiculous kingdom wide peace rule? 

Mar 6, 2022, 18:4303/06/22

There are plenty of people from other kingdoms to fight with.  It makes sense to maintain peace within a kingdom because that allows those within the kingdom to co-operate together in Kingdom events and in preparation for them (and for CvC).

The clue in the title is "Clans".  If you don't like to co-operate with others and prefer solo games try solitaire.

Mar 7, 2022, 11:2303/07/22

There are plenty of people from other kingdoms to fight with.  It makes sense to maintain peace within a kingdom because that allows those within the kingdom to co-operate together in Kingdom events and in preparation for them (and for CvC).

The clue in the title is "Clans".  If you don't like to co-operate with others and prefer solo games try solitaire.

Nicely put @John. When a kingdom succesffuly unites its clans -  kingdom events are easier to win - as everyone colloborates and shares the rewards. 

Kingdoms that are not united are simply thiefdoms that usually suck big time to live in and struggle forever over control and mostly lose players as the reward pot is not shared between clans who contribute towards Kingdom events. 

Point me in the direction of these peace kingdoms as they seem to be the right place for me. :)

Mar 8, 2022, 16:5103/08/22

I hesitate to announce any Kingdoms that promote Kingdom peace as it can bring outsiders in to wreck it. Yes, this has happened to at least 2 Kingdoms I've been in. Just go to the Kingdomstab and read the "About" tab of the leading Clan, that will give you a very good idea as to the peacefulness of the Kingdom. 

Mar 8, 2022, 16:5703/08/22

Nicely put @John. When a kingdom succesffuly unites its clans -  kingdom events are easier to win - as everyone colloborates and shares the rewards. 

Kingdoms that are not united are simply thiefdoms that usually suck big time to live in and struggle forever over control and mostly lose players as the reward pot is not shared between clans who contribute towards Kingdom events. 

Point me in the direction of these peace kingdoms as they seem to be the right place for me. :)

I just tried to message you with the numbers of 2 peaceful Kingdoms but your setting do not allow messages. 

Mar 9, 2022, 11:2903/09/22
Mar 9, 2022, 11:33(edited)

another way is to check kingdoms and see how many players of all sizes and clans are  farming in the forest area without domain shields.   I should add that hitting t1 troops on tiles is almost pointless now - sh sieges where millions of high level troops are routinely killed has skewed all the troop killing comps so that  clans have to run sieges to get enough points to get even one checkpoint.