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Plarium Play/Vikings and Linux

Plarium Play/Vikings and Linux

Jan 9, 2022, 14:3501/09/22

Plarium Play/Vikings and Linux

Just need some information. I play on PC. There are some pretty significant differences between PC and a phone/mobile device as far as the game is concerned I must say lol. But thats not my question.

Microsoft is slowly but with increasing speed ,and determination it seems, running me away from Windows as an Operating system. I am not proficient by any means with Linux but have dabbled with it over the years. Am about ready to take the plunge and start up again. MInt seems like its pretty durn close to being ready for prime time.

Does anyone here use Linux on a PC to play the game? If so, how does it do? I use Plarium Play at the moment but can use FireFox to play if I have to. Please don't say just use a device or phone. For various reasons those are not options. 

To recap: 

1- Will Plarium Play run on Linux? If so what Distro are you using? 

2- How does it play? Decent , laggy? 

3 - Would you recommend using Plarium Play or play through FireFox? Or even a different browser for that matter. 

Would rather have some real world people advise than asking through support, but again will do so if I have to. Thank you.

Jan 10, 2022, 23:5501/10/22

I've not used it for a few years now but I tended to use Ubuntu. There is a package called Wine which enables you to run windows programs.

That said you can play in a browser so I don't see why that wouldn't work directly in Linux rather than needing Plarium Play.

I suggest trying some of the Linux forums as that's probably a better bet than here. Many people will have similar questions but with different games packages.

P.s. you can download and run many distros off a USB stick or create a virtual machine. I'd suggest trying a few before you go all in.

Jan 12, 2022, 21:3901/12/22

I've not used it for a few years now but I tended to use Ubuntu. There is a package called Wine which enables you to run windows programs.

That said you can play in a browser so I don't see why that wouldn't work directly in Linux rather than needing Plarium Play.

I suggest trying some of the Linux forums as that's probably a better bet than here. Many people will have similar questions but with different games packages.

P.s. you can download and run many distros off a USB stick or create a virtual machine. I'd suggest trying a few before you go all in.

Thanks for the input. Last time I even tried Linux I ran it off a stick. Well, CD/DvD lol. Have heard of WINE. Thanks for jogging my memory of it. Going to try it out this weekend I think. Will have time to do it then. 

Again, thanks for your insight.

Jan 20, 2022, 21:4901/20/22

I've been using Fedora Linux for years but some months ago it started to fail.

Plarium changed something in the application which makes some things to fail like application restart when you end killing an invader (the last attack), or when you try to get resources.

This is a pity that Plarium doesn't support Linux.

Jan 20, 2022, 22:2201/20/22
JEF@ (670)

I've been using Fedora Linux for years but some months ago it started to fail.

Plarium changed something in the application which makes some things to fail like application restart when you end killing an invader (the last attack), or when you try to get resources.

This is a pity that Plarium doesn't support Linux.

Thank you!

Jun 24, 2022, 01:0106/24/22

Inded Plarium Play 4 Linux Where Is it ????

Jun 27, 2022, 09:1706/27/22

I used to use Firefox and then Plarium changed something and it no longer worked for me (screen size was wrong) and I changed to Google Chrome which Plarium recommended. No problem there but it still has a distinct lag compared to Plarium Play .