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RSS Buildings

RSS Buildings

Dec 20, 2021, 17:3512/20/21

RSS Buildings

Right now I have 12 farms, 9 lumber, 1 stone, 1 iron, 12 manors

I would like to know; How many of each should be an ideal number of each building to have in your town, that would benefit me better. I know wants you get buildings lvl 35 some adds defense, offense, and such. 

Dec 21, 2021, 10:4712/21/21

There are various ways to go depending on your circumstances and what aspects of the game you like.  

One fairly common idea is to focus nearly all your rss buildings on one type of resource and also focus all your other development (knowledge, hero, shaman, boosts) on improving the rate of production of that particular resource.  You can finish up producing many millions of units every hour and be able to supply not only your own needs but also the needs of all your clan mates and your clan's Stronghold.  If you wish to try that, ask your Chief what resource the clan most needs.  Note that you must keep one rss building in each of the other resource types.

Perhaps you are not yet a member of a clan.  In that case I suggest you give priority to finding a worthwhile clan to join.  Don't join an open clan whose chief has not logged in for weeks, look for one which speaks your native tongue and has an active chief and elders.

If you do not wish to super produce one rss type the next thing to consider is whether you intend to develop your town etc with a view to fighting.  If so you need to select one troop type in which to specialise.  Training troops requires rss and each troop type has a higher requirement of one rss over the others.  For example I specialise in cav and that troop type is stone heavy.  Once you have decided which troop type you will specialise in it makes sense to have somewhat more of the rss building which produces that resource.

Farms are a special case.  If you enjoy developing your town (and perhaps wish to super produce to help your clan) and have no great interest in fighting you do not need farms.  If you intend to develop an army then you can choose whether to feed your troops or not.  the game is a little odd in that running out of food to feed your troops has no particular adverse consequences; no one dies.  If you are not going to feed your troops there are other sources of food to fuel troop training and to provide food needed for building so you can do without farms.

Manors are useful both to produce silver and also to boost troop training.  There is a bit of a trade off between taking up slots with more manors or building more infirmaries.  I think most of the people who come to the site to shop like to build manors primarily and don't think healing troops is of any very great benefit.  For myself I built a roughly similar number of manors to infirmaries and have been reasonably content with that configuration.

Finally, although I have set out an (over long) answer you really do not need to spend much time on this at your early stage.  What you should do for now is to follow the Quests which is worthwhile in its own right and also gets you some buildings which will be of use in the early stage of your development.  This commits you to nothing and you can make decisions about what buildings you want to keep and develop and any that you will knock down later when you know more about the game, have access to advice in a clan and are able to address some of the points above.

Good luck.

Dec 21, 2021, 17:0012/21/21

There is no standard answer to your question.

It will depend on your style of play, and if and when, you change it.

What suits you , may not suit someone else.

You can always knock down and rebuild if necessary, and there is always yielding available, which I assume you must already be doing given the low level of mines and quarries.

The time taken to collect a fixed amount of resources is the smallest for food.

Given your lopsided development of resource production,I hadn' t considered that you might have recently started the game, however, in the early stages when bonuses are the most useful, there is much competition for which of them to prioritise.  

Have a look at Hero  experience points distribution,and Hero gear,and VIP,think also about what benefits you could get whilst not actively playing.

Dec 22, 2021, 06:1012/22/21

I been playing for years. I had this set up for awhile now. All my buildings are lvl 35 now. I want a change up  because having a bonus of Offense, defense and such. I already have 9 lumber. which is Offense. Having 1 of the iron n stone. would it benefit me to add more for defense , Heath, or just keep what i have. think i have too many farms. 

Dec 22, 2021, 08:3812/22/21

What benefit is it that you seek?  Answer that and you will have the answer to your question.

Dec 22, 2021, 13:4612/22/21

So I was correct,you are not a beginner.

Johns' last comment is largely right, and I stick mostly to mine,without knowing how you play,  what you want to achieve. and what other things you have done, or not done, its difficult for anyone willing to answer your question here, to do so.

There is such little traffic here these days, and not many willing to give away any advantage to other players that do not already know.

I would sugggest whatever you change it's not going to make much difference.

I am not smart enough with the arithmetic ,but would should that updates and sales gimmicks such as ''do this and get X % bonus''  is just to keep motivating playing,expansion and spending,  like a carrot on a piece of string to get a donkey moving.

Though I haven't got nearly as far as you have I cant be certain but am obsvervant and still believe as I wrote before.

In the early stages of the game, bonuses give a much greater advantage to the player than they do later on. This and related things are something you can test for yourself. 

For other tests you would need an alternative account,which the majority of player seem to have, or a willing friend, as was in the case of someone who used to post the findings on the web.

As the game doesn't appear to divulge which military bonuses the resource buildings give.

I have to take what you say about them.I take it you are using none of them specifically for what they produce, but their bonuses.

Having to assume that the old advice hasnt changed.

Health >Defence> Offence.

So you believe this and take your pick, or test it.

I suggest you knock one building down, a farm perhaps if you think you have too many, build one of the others up and see what, if any,difference, it makes to your bonuses and battles.

Or before that, just build one to the next level and see how much it benefits you.

Arithmetic is tricky, 10% can look a lot, but if it's 10% of 1, or >1, or virtually nothing, it's trifling.