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CvC  "your clan earns two points in the competition"

CvC "your clan earns two points in the competition"

Dec 13, 2021, 18:5612/13/21

CvC "your clan earns two points in the competition"

Has anyone worked out what this means?

The only thing I can think of is that it means achieving guarded status while holding the PoP in the enemy kingdom counts as two category wins.

P.S.  On second thoughts it seems more likely that two points are earned in the Capturing an enemy's PoP category.  So capture and hold the enemy PoP and prevent your opponent doing likewise and you win the category two points to nil.  Makes "in the competition" redundant but english is not plarium's first language.

You might expect capturing the PoP to gain points towards checkpoints but I guess that the kills achieved along the way do that already.  Still in the (admitedly unlikely) event of a tie two points are not going to count for much in the total points tie break. 

Jan 6, 2022, 00:1001/06/22

I am pissed that they have this new rule. So, the clan you are fighting comes in, say, 5 accounts at 4 trillion. That will be matched up with a clan with 20 accounts at 1 trillion. Pretty tough to hit a 5 trillion with a 1. Next you want to take over the POP in the EK. But what happens if the EK has some big ass accounts. Now it's now CVC any more. Its CVK. we have to fight the entire kingdom if we want to win CVC now. 

Jan 10, 2022, 21:5201/10/22

ower cvc oponent is disbaned before start cvc.what happens.....coin the points we gonna made..or will this cvc not coint for us.

Jan 10, 2022, 23:4301/10/22

Your CvC will count.  Lacking an active opponent you lose some of the opportunities to score points and the victory may seem a little hollow but otherwise points scoring, rss for the victory and checkpoints all remain the same.

Jan 13, 2022, 10:5701/13/22

John my guess is capturing/holding pop is a single category win, unless the opponent does the same and then = a draw, so the clan that does it the most wins the category. Our opponent tried to get our pop this cvc (he had more infl than our entire clan combined) but our kingdom's  biggest clan stepped in and stopped him. ...... People are going to need to catch people asleep to win this category.

Jan 14, 2022, 15:2301/14/22

I have watched the results, pipkin.  Capturing the PoP gives two category wins.

Jan 15, 2022, 11:4501/15/22

ok, thanks, we will have to be extra vigilant in future

Mar 17, 2022, 02:4503/17/22

how do i get bloody jars achievement?

Mar 17, 2022, 04:2903/17/22
Mar 17, 2022, 04:35(edited)

You might have been better starting a new topic as this is about something else.

Murder a lot of your troops.High level of course that take a lot to build in the first instance and then replenish.

Mar 17, 2022, 17:5303/17/22

OK, The last CVC ended hours ago, but thus far we have not received the usual Win/Loss announcement.  In total points we were 12.7 T ahead, but they hit one of our farms in the first few minutes so took the majority of catagories. I am confused as to how it works....

Mar 17, 2022, 20:1503/17/22
Mar 17, 2022, 23:27(edited)

There is no confusion.

If they are showing that they won the most categories then you lost, so I wouldn't expect an announcement about loosing. 

Last times I was in CvC it wasn't about most points only overall scores, and you only got the win announcement. 

There was no you got trounced  message.


I haven't  played the new format system but have read it is supposed to be better in the fact that's its not impossible to claw back  in the troop kills section,if you get hit, whereas  in the old system you  had probably lost the match  after getting hit, because  of being effectively  2 down, and no way to change this if the opposition stopped yielding,or attacking which they did. 

Some players are quick  off the mark, and are the lookout for slack players as soon as possible to give them the edge, and the more loose players in the clan the more likely you will get hit, unless you play in a way to avoid it, as John suggested.

Also if you can't contact the player, you can hit them yourself or kick them out for the match duration, so no points are given to your opponent.

Mar 17, 2022, 22:1003/17/22

As your opponents won more categories they won the event.  Should the two sides win the same number of categories the one with the most points wins.

When you don't get a report to say that you won together with personal checkpoint awards (currently tending to arrive about ten to twenty minutes after the event closes) it means you lost.  You can click on Events and scroll down to the "Ended" section to see the final scores.

You might consider not yielding w/o domain guards during CvC.

A thing you can do is yield before the start of the event on tiles well away from your town and time the yield to end before CvC starts.  The yield is credited when your troops arrive back home so, as long as you get the timing right you will score the points for the yield w/o taking the risk which tripped you up this time.

Mar 17, 2022, 23:1403/17/22

Thanks WDY and John.  I was confused on the Catagory/Points, thinking the overall points was the determining factor.  As far as Yealding w/o domaine guards, I personally never do it with any CVC or KVK event approaching.  I THINK the guy who was hit left our Clan out of embarisment.  To me, as an Elder, it is far more importent for our members to have fun particpating and to learn from mistakes.  I could actually care less about win or loss.

Mar 18, 2022, 07:4703/18/22

Yes, the comradeship that develops in a clan is the best aspect of the game.  A pity that your clanmate left, it was a chance for them to learn that (in life as in gaming) their contributions outweigh such a mishap and that embarrassment fades.  One of my in-laws is the principal programmer at a small bank and on one occasion he made a mistake which wiped the whole of the bank's current transaction data.  Every employee plus himself had to work frantically through the night to allow its customers transactions to be completed .  Of course he was embarrassed and offered to resign but he was reassured that his work for the bank was very highly valued and he stayed on.  Indeed not very long after this he received a hefty pay rise.

Total points scored was the original win criterion for CvC but categories were introduced and since then category wins have been the deciding factor.  The categories have twice been changed and are still very far from perfect but it is rather difficult to come up with categories which create a fair and balanced contest.  I have sometimes thought that going back to total points as the sole criterion might be better but that is likely because I have forgotten how the event worked under that regimen.  I do remember that the clan in which I then played won virtually every contest with points gained from Stronghold development.  Probably it would be just as difficult to balance points for each activity as it is difficult to balance categories.

Apr 10, 2022, 12:5404/10/22

tercer CvC seguido que el oponente aumenta significativamente de influencia. Escribes a Soporte y dicen que no infringen ninguna norma, simplemente los jugadores que se han añadido al Clan despues del anuncio no suman puntos. 

En el primero entro una cuenta muy grande. En el segundo eran 6 luego 3 y terminaron siendo 5. En este tercero ya son un clan de 10T cuando nosotros tenemos 5, ningun clan de nuestro reino tiene esa influencia, por lo que tomarán el Pop, atacarán cualquier fortaleza que se active y se verán afectados todos los Clanes del reino y ya puestos a adelantar acontecimientos con las reputaciones de nuestro reino interferirán en el suyo.

Otra metedura de pata de Plarium que permite injusticias como esta, solo un Clan de uno o dos reinos enteros se va a divertir con esta situación y no va a ser el que juega limpio.

Conclusión? Juega sucio mientras Plariun cierra los ojos. 🙈

Apr 11, 2022, 01:1204/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 14:49(edited)

VIA translation service.

third CvC followed that the opponent significantly increases influence. You write to Support and they say they don't break any rules, simply players who have been added to the Clan after the announcement don't score points. 

In the first one I enter a very large account. In the second it was 6 then 3 and they ended up being 5. In this third they are already a clan of 10T when we have 5, no clan of our kingdom has that influence, so they will take the Pop, attack any fortress that is activated and all the Clans of the kingdom will be affected and already set to advance events with the reputations of our kingdom will interfere in theirs.

Another Blunder of Plarium that allows injustices like this, only a Clan of one or two entire kingdoms is going to have fun with this situation and is not going to be the one who plays fair.

Conclusion? He plays dirty while Plariun closes his eyes. 🙈

 Edited below. 

In case of any confusion to the contrary.

I did not compose what is written above, only pasted the translation, obtained to clarify what I suspected the content might be, based on a hunch, and the parts I could already understand.

Apr 11, 2022, 08:2904/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 08:35(edited)

Hi Jarls! I am sorry that our Support Team's answers made you feel this way. They are right, we take measures only to the players violating our In-Game Rules:

Anyway, I have forwarded this feedback further and hope that our future updates will meet your expectations😇

Apr 11, 2022, 22:1904/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 22:20(edited)

Ivar, as has been commented previously there appears to be a very simple solution - once CVC matches are made and  announced  no one can join any clan until cvc is over. 

Apr 12, 2022, 07:2804/12/22

Ivar, as has been commented previously there appears to be a very simple solution - once CVC matches are made and  announced  no one can join any clan until cvc is over. 

Our specialists are aware of this request and are studying the issue, Blackadder👍

Stay tuned!