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How long does it take to train your first tier 3 soldier?

How long does it take to train your first tier 3 soldier?

Apr 9, 2021, 12:0504/09/21

How long does it take to train your first tier 3 soldier?

I have a rewarded download that will give me resources in another game if I get a Tier 3 soldier within a week. I won't be playing the game long-term, so I won't mind burning through or rare resources or things valuable late-game.essay writer 

Are there any tactics/tips I can use to get my first tier 3 soldier as quickly as possible? 

Apr 9, 2021, 18:1604/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 18:22(edited)

The whole of your post suggests that somethingg isn't quite right.

If its genuine its all a bit vague, as there's no indication,where you are at, or what if anything they have given you as a leg up in this game.

I dont know if its even possible to get to tier 3 soldiers within a week,but there are always short cuts if you know what you are doing, and not bothered about the long term consequences  of running before you can walk.

Perhaps the deal is to get you hooked on this game, and if you have to spend anything here, your reward for the other game isnt gong to be much of free ride is it?

Apr 10, 2021, 00:3504/10/21
Aug 20, 2023, 21:17(edited)


Apr 11, 2021, 13:3704/11/21
Apr 11, 2021, 13:51(edited)

At least someone else read the request and posted an idea here.

I'm still uncertain behind the reasons for the post and requirment,but half remembered something and consulted the oracle.

First,what is the definition of a level 3 soldier?

If the game hasn't changed and a spy counts, only palace/oracle 5  is needed, so its potentially much easier, though I still do not know how long it would take.

Dec 3, 2022, 14:0612/03/22
Dec 3, 2022, 14:07(edited)

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Aug 16, 2023, 22:3408/16/23

i started here to get 900 something kreds for blockade 3d on some game site

reach lvl 32 or 33 palace, receive kreds within 5 min of accomplishment 

never got a thing, took me like 4 months, play here and there, i play this now more often 8)

good luck with your points