General questions
I think it's worth pointing out what happened in the Clan Battles of 2-3 (CTEHA vs. Dustash) and 9-10 ( vwWwv vs. Dustash) in February. In both cases, the defeat was determined by scores scored by opponents for killing enemy warriors in the opposing Clan Stronghold in a "besieged" state without the intervention of ns troops. Clans, but neutral troops with the same number of points that could have been obtained by killing enemies of other Kingdoms. The behavior is correct, but I would like to point out the disparity that is determined in the races between clans with a different level of Stronghold and, while it can be an incentive to improve one's level, in concrete terms a strong competitive disparity is determined especially if you were to resort to the help of a friendly Clan obtaining a favor score through the killing of lower-class warriors. The contenders should be put on the same level in order to conduct the race as correctlyed as possible. thank you, best regards.