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Aug 7, 2020, 18:2008/07/20


achievements  are still active? I am not getting the Pioneer achievement of lvl6 
Aug 7, 2020, 21:2308/07/20
plarium introduced a requirement for your palace to be at a minimum level to qualify, level six requires a palace of 32 or above.
Jun 9, 2021, 13:4506/09/21

I am not understanding "WHY" Plarium cannot limit time to spots for Pioneer achievement! You have jarls sitting on them for weeks on end making it impossible for people to complete each level. I've seen jarls sit on a level 1 when they have already completed level 7....C'mon Plarium make it fair for everyone by allowing one visit to a customer for a limit of time/hours needed. I've seen some people state it's instantaneous, it's not, it's 3 hours to complete.

Jun 9, 2021, 15:2806/09/21

You only need to occupy the location for a few seconds Elikat but the Achievement is credited after you have logged out and after three hours have passed.

The reason that plarium give for allowing people to block the locations indefinitely is that players are entitled to place their towns wherever they wish.  Of course that is silly, plarium make the rules and can make whatever rules they choose as to where towns can be located.    I doubt there is any reason for inactivity, it is just an example of indifference.

Jun 11, 2021, 23:0506/11/21

John, apparently YOU are not understanding the problem and you are incorrect. If players are "entitled" to place their towns wherever they wish then why bother having an achievement that is unattainable? As for your "few seconds" that is incorrect, I tested that and it did not work, of course if you have some back door knowledge, please feel free to share with everyone, if not, sit down!

Jun 12, 2021, 09:3206/12/21

This problem is old and ongoing.

They either knew beforehand  that this would happen and still went ahead, or they made a mistake and won't do anything about it now , because it either suits them, or certain players.

I would say that their, 'players are "entitled" to place their towns wherever they wish'   is just a convenient excuse, as has been written elsewhere, it appears to break their own rules, and even if it doesn't , it's their game and they could change the conditions, it's not like they haven't done this before, like they have just now with the latest update, like increasing requirements, dropping boosts and rewards, and blocking access to Helheim till palace 10.

Having been fortunate enough to get some of the pioneer levels before the blocking consolidated as it is now, I can say this,John is right, you only have to sit on the tile ,to be eligible for the reward, it then takes time to be given the reward after logging out and in of the game, unless they changed that too.

Except, in a previous update, they blocked access to certain achievements until a specific palace is reached.

I know this because of the pioneer achievement and others they changed.

Jun 12, 2021, 21:0606/12/21

xyz, I Absolutely agree, it is a convenient excuse as well as all the dead towns littering the KD's. The only thing Plarium is doing is cutting their own throats, people are getting tired of it and quitting by the droves and I don't blame them. John may very well be right and it may have been like that in the past but I personally tried it and there was no instantaneous achievement, so it could have changed. It's also extremely selfish of those players to sit on those spots and deny others the opportunity to get the achievement. To John, I apologize if I was rude, frustration is about the only thing i'm getting from this game lately and I had no right to take it out on you...Peace

Jun 13, 2021, 11:0206/13/21

First ,what level of pioneer have you tried and failed to get?

Second, what was your Palace Level then?

Third, what is it now?

Maybe its just a misunderstanding of the meaning of what has been written. 

 If you have all the necessary requirements and land on a pioneer spot, this qualifaction step is complete, but the award  is not given immediately, you have to follow the correct procedure of logging in and out of the game and waiting the proscribed time.

There was no need to sit on the tile and hog the spot to be given the award, which is what players used to think, and probably why they just sat there, now its just mean, except to those that think its brilliant game play.

I think that achievements,especially the secret ones, were meant to be something acquired slowly, hence the mystery surrounding them, and them not being instantaneously active, as this would have given the game away.

It would seem someone didn't bargain for greed, and the more generous giving away the secrets. 

Jun 13, 2021, 13:3606/13/21

I tend to play sitting down, EliKat, and I don't think I have any back door knowledge whatever that may be but I do have Pioneer up to level 8 and most of those levels were achieved after staying on the tile just a second or two.  I have also read in forums and clan chat the experience of other players, all the same as my own.

If you have occupied one of the Pioneer spots for a second or two and were not later credited with the achievement there is some other problem frustrating your efforts.

Jun 13, 2021, 23:2506/13/21

xyz, I am trying for level 6, every KD I have gone to somene is on the spot and have been there for many weeks, my palace level is 35 so I'm pretty sure I have the requirements, it's the spot that's in question. I did try in the previous levels to sit on the spot briefly as others have suggested then log out for hours and come back in with no result so I sat for 3 hours and left, logged in and it was there. Maybe someday i'll get lucky and find a spot that someone isn't hogging for weeks on end...

Jun 14, 2021, 01:4606/14/21

Then, as you wrote, you should be able to get pioneer 6,except for the blocking element, which until level 9, was the main obstacle to progress, as players can sit shielded there with impunity.

However the other system of blocking tiles remains, and prevented me from making much headway, before they introduced the Palace Level requirement.

I understand your frustration about thinking you have followed all the rules, and not been given the reward, especially if a previous level caused no problem, but a subsequent award doesnt show as expected, as happened to me.