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The mechanics of war

The mechanics of war

Jul 7, 2020, 21:3407/07/20

The mechanics of war

Please help me understand. I  do understand there are a ton of variables in this game, but I do not feel like the mechanics of war make sense. 

I am extremely invested in the game ($$$), but have no luck against players with 200 billion influence. I have 600 billion, 500 of it is knowledge. 

My siege troops get busted by their melee, and I have not idea as to why... 

Jul 8, 2020, 02:3107/08/20
Make sure your knowledge is maxed as much as you can. Same goes for the Citadel upgrades. Use the boosts, both for your troops and for their troops. Also look at your Hero and Shaman. Use equipment and gems/runes that boost your attack/defense/health. Try for Invader gear or if possible the Special gear that plays to your strengths. Don't forget the Town Skins as they can offer a nice  increase in your abilities too. Upgrade and use the aesir that plays to your strengths also.
Jul 8, 2020, 02:4107/08/20
Jul 8, 2020, 02:44(edited)

Your question understandably contains little information in order to give you a specific answer.

However your question does seem to indicate you understand the game quite well and are aware of the many variables within it.

If I am reading correctly there is potentially a clue contained in your text, if I am wrong then it still doesn't rule out the possibility of it being a possible  explanation.

Are you the attacker or the defender, presumably on a tile  rather than on the town?

Are there definitely no other kind of troops involved in the battle?.

Siege are the strongest against melee so  its understandable that you think you should win.

You do have a lot of  oracle knowledge,but is it the optimum  for these battles ?

 You could be falling into traps,otherwise if you are being attacked, you could be scouted first ,and then the troops sent  could be optimised in their favour. It could be as simple as numbers sent, or  use of other  game features.

Jul 18, 2020, 17:4207/18/20

Only 100 billion influence for Aesir/hero/buildings.

Your Shrine of Odim must be maxed - the number of troops you can send on a march is critical.

Maxing some of the Aesir less critical but a help.

At your size I would expect a maxed hero, well advanced Einar and a full set of legendary special equipment for hero and shaman - have you put enough time and effort into that aspect?

Lastly - at a guess - you have not yet done a whole lot of attacking.  Buffs make a lot of difference, are you using a full set for each attack and when you expect to defend?
Jul 20, 2020, 02:1507/20/20

If you got 500 knowledge, then you got like everything. Secret knowledge, aesirs, all troops in citadel etc huh?

obviously you want the best gear, top level hero and shaman. Max out town skins, secret knowledge and so on, i have 300b knowledge. I have 4 troops maxed in citadel, nearly 2 secret knowledge complete. 300/400, vip level 39.

You simply need the best of the best. A 200b town can pretty much have all these things for 1 troop type. Going further means more influence.

Jul 20, 2020, 14:5407/20/20
[f9ff33]Monkeh D Bong said:

 A 200b town can pretty much have all these things for 1 troop type. Going further means more influence.

yes ... and this can confuse some