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Current cvc rules

Current cvc rules

Mar 4, 2020, 21:3003/04/20

Current cvc rules

The new cvc rules are not working as intended and it has made the game quite boring and predictable. No one farms in case of attack, because if you get hit on a tile, and your opponent doesnt farm, you lose catagories 1 and 4 with no chance of retaliation. This current cvc sees the only points being scored by both clans in the last three catagories. So it is down to how much you will spend on boosts to win. And honestly, the prize gained for winning just isnt worth the bother. i like the increased gold for checkpoints but the gameplay needs to be addressed asap
Mar 4, 2020, 23:3503/04/20
Yes maybe it would be good to get rid of catagory 4 (total kills) and then maybe split invaders/ghosts and farming ...
Mar 11, 2020, 23:0703/11/20
These new CVC categories have to be fixed!! If you are not the first to hit there is no room for retaliation as the other team " bottles up"and then you have no opportunity to score, then it is automatically lose TWO categories!!!!!  The match ups have been screwy too. Love being matched with a team withThree times our influence and player numbers. Really getting annoying!!
Mar 12, 2020, 00:3003/12/20

Totally agree - it is almost a waste of time.

Basic strategy - in the first 5 minutes see if you can find 1 enemy farming tile.  Hit it, then do not farm for the rest of CvC and you are almost guaranteed the win.

Because the troop kills need to be "enemy", hitting someone else's farming tiles or the PoP gives zero points.  Hence categories 2 and 3 are useless for 95% of clans unless your opponent controls the PoP.  How do you even sore points in the "Battles in the Clan Stronghold" category?  Waste of time.

And agree - the match ups are terrible.  We are a new, small clan of about 15 people but keep getting matched against a clan of 2-4 people (which is probably a single person) that has 1 account of 5+ billion influence.  They hit 1 tile, train 100k of Tier 6 or 7 troops and do one decent upgrade and its all over.  Happened last 4 CvC's in a row so now we don't bother doing CvC.
Mar 12, 2020, 02:0803/12/20

I too have seen it in operation so I understand the complaint,  see why the techs did it, but would have to agree with your analysis that the strategy of hitting a tile for effectively 2 points and then no more, works, assuming that you win the tile hit. 

I would imagine that the "Battles in the Clan Stronghold" category? is when the tile hit is within the confines of the stronghold, but again you have the situation as above as you are most likely to loose the tile hit ,and probably similarly if you attack an un-shielded player there, as it would have to be the enemy,in both cases, and most likely a trap.

Mar 18, 2020, 03:3303/18/20
Battles in the Clan Stronghold are battles involving the Tower of Odin which can only be built in lvl 4 Strongholds. Clans open their Tower of Odin for a 2hr siege and it is attacked by big marches of foreign (= Plarium) troops. It can be attacked by anyone else as well. So in CvC enemy clan scores points for killing troops in your tower of odin, you score points for killing plarium troops and enemy clan troops that attack your tower, and vice versa for enemy clan. Costs 1000 Glittering Dust (=1000 crushed Legendary gems) to open Tower of Odin and takes 3 days to recover before you can open it again.
Mar 19, 2020, 03:4103/19/20

thanks for clarifying... we are only at SH level 3 and I had no idea how that worked yet.  

But for most clans in CvC, that category (and PoP attacks) will not be relevant.

Mar 21, 2020, 01:3303/21/20

You're welcome.

Yes, most clans can only score in 5 categories in CvC.

One small error in my earlier post. It is called Precious Dust in Vikings. Glittering Dust is same thing in Throne. Precious Dust is also required for buildings in lvl 4 Strongholds.
Mar 31, 2020, 00:5503/31/20
CvC has been revamped simply for Plarium's benefit..they have CvC so often in the hopes people will buy packages to win CvC. Every move Plarium makes is a calculated move to make money and not improve player gameplay. In my opinion they are just milking people. Some of the things in this game as so ridiculous but Plarium doesnt care, they dont bother about player enjoyment.
Apr 2, 2020, 01:5604/02/20
The tile/town battle category and the POP battle category suffer from the same issue. The tiniest mistake costs the clan that entire category. A simple solution exists. No point should be awarded to the higher scoring clan in either of these categories unless a threshold score has been achieved. That threshold would be scaled according to the "Influence League" of the opponent clan pair. This would open up play instead of clans generally avoiding yielding tiles unshielded or having any POP action whatsoever.
Apr 16, 2020, 11:2704/16/20
Apr 16, 2020, 11:42(edited)

Totaly agree. This game mechanic destroys current clans and new players get fucked up. I also agree with Ang Moh !

Plarium is only focused on their profit. They destroy the huge investments of the players to get the personal reward. This time i lost 18 hures of my life, 200k Gold to fill all 15 bars. At leat i invest  over 50 weeks time booster and nearly 1Billion of each ressource to train warriors, for nothing...

This happens: We get a new unknowing member and his tiles was hit by the enemy after a few minutes ( again a 3 person clan with no fortress ). They don't have made any gameplay (no farming, no builds, nothing), they are only waiting for this moment to hit a tile. Then they trained an army in the last minutes and get 9 599 427 500 points! This costs a lot of money! So we lost, again against such clan... This is the crappiest game mechanic I've ever seen!

But! Tribble win for Plarium!

1. Destroy Player invests.

2. Get money for warrior training - ressources ( or destroy more resources ) for the last minute win.

3. Don't have to give the huge reward for personal reward focused players.

I will talk to my clan and to affected other clans to not play cvc any more. The system have to be changed.

Feb 26, 2022, 19:4902/26/22

It would be improved if players were stopped from deliberately dropping influence (dismissing troops) to get easier opponents, only to train them all each week. This to me is cheating the game. Also smaller clans may have more chance if a level 40 from anywhere couldn't wipe you out of your siege with 1 hit. They should limit siege hitting to opponents only. Although more often than not we're hitting checkpoint 15 in first day to be annihilated on siege points by 1 l40 as our opponent. How can we console our players each week?



Feb 26, 2022, 21:0802/26/22

It would be improved if players were stopped from deliberately dropping influence (dismissing troops) to get easier opponents, only to train them all each week. This to me is cheating the game. Also smaller clans may have more chance if a level 40 from anywhere couldn't wipe you out of your siege with 1 hit. They should limit siege hitting to opponents only. Although more often than not we're hitting checkpoint 15 in first day to be annihilated on siege points by 1 l40 as our opponent. How can we console our players each week?



Thank you for your detailed feedback, X Hawkstorm X, it has been forwarded to the developers for the further consideration👍

Feel free to share all your ideas and suggestions with me🤗

Feb 26, 2022, 23:2402/26/22

All of this highlights the real problem with this game. With recent developments big players are not only untouchable to other players but to whole clans. 

For me there is only 1 solution to improve game play for all. Kingdoms should be split into different groups and massive clans and players should be limited to their group and other players would be in a different group and neither would ever meet.

Jot is the worst example of how bad this game has got. As a small player I went there a few weeks ago and lost 80% of all my troops through being attacked once. It's virtually game over for me. How do I learn or experience new things in the game when the odds are stacked so massively against me?

Feb 28, 2022, 07:1602/28/22

Blackadder.  Your notion that losing most of your troops is game over for you is a mistake.  It is a popular misconception. 

Your buildings, knowledge, hero, shaman/s, hero/shaman skills and equipment are all undamaged.  Those are the things that you have spent time and effort to develop.  Of course it is unpleasant to be zeroed but all that is lost is troops and rss, both readily replaceable.  Within a very few days you are back to where you were.

You are right that the game divides between those who come to the site to shop and those who play Vikings:War of Clans.  But the core element of the game is the shield (together with the very limited damage sustained when it slips) and that makes it perfectly possible to ignore the shoppers.

I also agree with you that Jot is not a place that a player is likely to visit much, not so much because of the risk of being zeroed as experience teaches you to keep that risk very low, but because there is nothing to do there.

plarium have been moving in the direction you suggest by setting high influence limits to various aspects of the game - such as Helheim.  Perhaps they will do more to segregate the players and the shoppers but, for me, it need not be a priority.  Finding targets suitable for the level of power that you have been able to develop is the main skill of all games of this type.  The very wide range of towns and clans on offer in this game is an attraction rather than a disadvantage.

Feb 28, 2022, 10:5102/28/22
Feb 28, 2022, 11:13(edited)

There is the problem with a big player joining after cvc matchup so that they can win the stronghold seige catagories ... this just happened to us ... huge player joins after matchup so they get the stronghold seige catagories ... our clan 634B theirs NOW 1.491T 

The big player does not get points for certain things but will get points for the clan or keep us from getting points from stronghold seige so the clan win then 3 catagories to 4 catagories (depending if we do a stronghold seige also).  I think they are doing this so the clan wins cvc AND the big guy gets lots of soul shards without losing much troops.

Feb 28, 2022, 15:1802/28/22

A late joining high influence person does not score points for the clan in CvC but I agree that they are likely to make a significant indirect contribution.  They can help with the precious dust required; they can fend off any who might otherwise intervene; by reason of their troops participating Jotunn marches may be defeated when the clan would otherwise struggle to achieve such defeats - thus 80% of each Jotunn march is killed and that will surely increase the kills of the participants whose points do count; and higher level Jotunn troops are likely to be killed.  My clan kills tier IV to tier VI Jotunn troops but unaided does not as yet kill any tier VII.  With help we would do so and that would make a big difference.

I suspect that experience might teach ways further to skew the points result.  For example if the late joining high influence person contributed tier VI troops to the defence while the point scoring reinforcements were tier VII then that would certainly save a lot of the point scoring participants troops but, I suspect, would also raise the proportion of kills attributed to the point scoring participants.

In the, sadly unlikely, event that the developers were inclined to pay some attention to this exploit a simple remedy that suggests itself is to provide that those who join clans after an hour or so before CvC, Jot or Helheim events are announced are suspended from play until the result of the events are published.  No doubt there are other, equally simple, remedies available.

Mar 3, 2022, 08:0603/03/22

Rowena, Scottpuddy: I am in a small clan and we are often put against a one or two person clan that has twice our combined influence, but one thing a one person clan can't do is play non stop 24hrs /day - I  often farm without domain shields during cvc while our oponent is offline at work or asleep. I farm small and since no one else gets points for hitting my troops my troops are seldom attacked. And if I do get attacked I automatically win the defence category, even if I lose more troops than he does. Or if he holds a sh siege and I attack it I automatically win attack category, even if I only kill a couple of his scouts and lose most of my attack troops. Our problem is that  if he does have a sh siege then his stronger troops get many more points than we possibly can and we lose.  (And he usually has the resources to train many more high level troops).

Mar 3, 2022, 08:1403/03/22

Blazebo: Wouldn't an alliance with a clan with big players have the same affect as a big player joining late. (Or is the influence of an alliance clan included in the match up?).

Mar 3, 2022, 11:3503/03/22

Those are good questions, pipkin, and I hope might attract an answer from the forum admin - although their training does not seem to provide them with much, or any, knowledge about game mechanics and they seem not to be allowed to make internal inquiry to find out the answer to such matters.

My clan allied with a larger clan and our CvC draws have stayed the same so I suspect the answer to your second question is that an ally's influence is not counted.

As far as I can see a high influence ally's co-operation in a siege would have the same effect as that of a high influence late joiner.  We have not, as yet, sought the co-operation of our ally in a siege so I do not know from experience what is possible nor how it plays out.  For myself I would regard any advantage gained from such co-operation as legitimate - after all it is open to all clans to form alliances.  Wider opportunities for co-operative clan play seem to me a good thing in the game rather than the reverse.  Clearly there is scope for abuse but that is true of many aspects of gameplay.

Mar 5, 2022, 11:0603/05/22
