To me it only means more competition the bigger you get. Theres usually only 1 clan in every kingdom that are able to control pop. Smaller clans can't and its in that league you're fighting. Your opponent can't do it either. It's the same. It ruins absolutely nothing.
Just adding another voice to say the same thing. Small clans are best 3 out of 5 with 2 points being awarded to the clan that turtles and refuses to farm or fight after getting in one attack on their opponents farmers.
For the last two CVCs I’ve searched and searched for an opponent to attack and there’s not been one farmer. Farming used to be required to win a point now you get rewarded for not farming.I am chief of a small clan (63B infl) and I do not like the new cvc categories. Too many combination categories such as ghost/invaders and yielding: increasing influence/stronghold. One hit on a farming tile costs/gains two categories. We have had entire cvc's only score in three categories. It is stupid to farm and give up two categories. I don't mind that two categories useless to us, for the mega clans need their entertainment. But I would like to see the categories spread out more and not lumped together.
Possibly other categories like donating to the SH with a multiplier to encourage more to donate, or a category for killing troops of an enemy with higher infl' than you. Sometimes our clan face just one enemy the same size as 50 of us. I think more categories is better for opening up the game-play. Up the Hammerz!!