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Total storage and building

Total storage and building

Aug 14, 2019, 10:3808/14/19

Total storage and building

How i can build if cost of build is 8,7kk wood, and i have max storage 4,7kk. I can't product no more resources
Aug 14, 2019, 11:2008/14/19
You farm it at lumber tiles, you make a trade with another clan member for the lumber, you get resources from doing tasks or quests or from the loki box and there are other ways in game you get resources.
Aug 14, 2019, 14:3408/14/19
Thanks for answer was very helpful. Can i open new account and send resources to a new city to storage? It is work for infinity production?
Aug 14, 2019, 18:3508/14/19
Matisiv said:

Thanks for answer was very helpful. Can i open new account and send resources to a new city to storage? It is work for infinity production?
Yes. I have a town for wood, food, lumber and iron. Each is set up to produce a lot of silver as well.  3 of the towns are just rss farms that send off their rss to my main town.
Aug 14, 2019, 19:2508/14/19

A few things to consider.

Have you done all the vault upgrades you can do?

You may not want to do this,but even though your production in town is shut down,it doesnt mean that you cannot yield more than your town capacity.

Running more than one town can be problematic, and it wasnt how these games were supposed to be played, but nearly every does it,so effectively  no one is better off for doing it.

You have to think about the cost of running more towns,the transfer tax to storage and back, and the situation where these banks get "full" as well

Aug 16, 2019, 05:4008/16/19
Banks don't get full ... a bank would not be there to produce what it is banking.
Aug 16, 2019, 13:4208/16/19
Aug 16, 2019, 13:47(edited)

Please direct me (and others) to the explanation as to how to.

Aug 17, 2019, 01:4308/17/19
The town is probably lvl 5 or less ... you need it to be higher than lvl 5.
Aug 17, 2019, 02:0708/17/19
Aug 17, 2019, 02:12(edited)


I could find nothing on the internet, as to the mechanics of the operation of banks.

Though I have my suspicions that it may require more than just a higher palace level.

I am sure this information will be helpful to many a player.

Aug 18, 2019, 00:2308/18/19
Aug 18, 2019, 00:26(edited)

I've been reading new additions to topics, and as a result, I just found the following information in the archive section titled Stronghold .

19 June, 2017, 9:27 AM UTC

there used to be a loophole,  level 5 ,  use it as a bank.   then promote him to chief.     THE last update 3 days ago, took the level 5 bank and capped his totals he can hold.      everybody ellse used this loophole.

  Now its gone for future clans.

It raises the question of the legitimacy of loopholes,and the legitimacy of closing them, and the wisdom of divulging anything on the forum.

Aug 19, 2019, 10:5108/19/19
Aug 19, 2019, 10:56(edited)

Well I think loopholes need to be shut ... and best to send pm messages or emails to plarium about the loopholes, but if that doesn't work then one might need to make it public in request for plarium to shut it so others can join in with the request ...

Any town above lvl 5 can hold billions and billions (maybe unlimited) amount of resources ... and people can work with other people as banks also ... when I first joined the clan I am in ... I banked the silver because the clan chief could not keep the silver unless he wanted it continuously to go down by 10% because of "tax" ... so when was time to build the sh, I then had the silver to send... that was a couple years ago ... seems like forever though lol ...

And the lvl 5 loophole was used much more than for clan bank to build sh (actually I don't think many used it for this) ... people could use it to attack other towns but then not get attacked back ... it was just not a good thing for the game and it is good that it is gone.

And now they have also closed the loophole of letting a lvl 5 town build up tons of stuff and move to a new kingdom ... I am glad that is closed also. 

Aug 19, 2019, 11:4908/19/19
Aug 19, 2019, 14:22(edited)

Mostly agree with you,but when is it a loophole,and when is it not a loophole was my real point? Isn't the situation you describe concerning  the silver a loophole?

As its unfair on players that wanted the genuine option to move elsewhere sometime later,especially after the introduction of the drakkar which disrupted the whole game,I think its only partly a good idea that they changed the novice rule, yet again,and I wonder if this will now back fire on them,particularly in their pocket book.

I believe it was the introduction of the drakkar that just facilitated knowledgeable players taking over new kingdoms.

I dont think it will completely curtail that problem any way, and there was other probably other ways to get the same effect.

The good thing is,It should mean that new kingdoms might be able to develop more naturally, but wont the change mean the new kingdoms will always be weaker than the established ones, so they will de disadvantaged in competition like Fury? 

I didnt encounter the situation you describe, and I fail to see how a palace 5 town could do significant damage to a more established town.

Its impossible to build up much strength and besides nearly every is shielded.

Aug 19, 2019, 14:0608/19/19

Allowing different members of a clan to bank different resources IS NOT A LOOPHOLE  ... it is clan work ...

Except if you want to take over another kingdom I see no reason to stay under lvl 5 town ... and now you can only do it for 14 days ... I do agree that the drakkar also is a way to take over other kingdoms ... however the drakkar and the amount you need if you are a higher level player is a lot ... the bigger you are for the kingdom the more drakkars you need ... and in a well established kingdom even if you move in as one of the highest influence players you can't then control the kingdom because other players won't allow you too ... and I do not think this new 14 day rule for lvl 5 towns will impact plariums pocket book.  And in the past this (lvl 5 towns) was the way experienced players took over kingdoms ...

As far as Fury events and new kingdoms being disadvantaged ... the 4 fury kingdoms all have about the same influence ... so you don't have a very high influence kingdom fighting much weaker kingdoms ...

Aug 19, 2019, 17:5808/19/19

I see that though I might have implied that the bank system was a loophole, thats not what I meant to say.

Actually I think it could be construed as a loophole, as could hypher farms,etc. unless they expected you to find all these ruses all along.

When is it a ruse,and not a ruse, and when is it a loophole?

No,I was specifically talking about the silver dodge to avoid paying the silver levy, this is a loophole, or is it as above?

There seems to be a 'its alright if we do it it ,but not alright if someone else does something else we dont' mentality.

My personal opinion is they should get rid of the silver tax, and if they want to reward the Konung the game should do so.

Cutting the drakkar time for moving kingdoms gave, still gives, ample opportunity for experienced clans/players to take over newer kingdoms.

My personal opinion is also they shouldn't allow / have allowed established players to take over new kingdoms, nor disrupt exsisting ones either. 

The action taken  was a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted.

I believe theres is a better solution whilst still retaining the ability for someone to move somewhere else at any time for free.

Regarding Fury specifically.

They might be now, thats debateable as players complain that the towns are not well matched in inter kingdom events, and a lot of the times the newer kingdoms do well is precisely because they allowed established players to take them over.

Removing the incentive to move,(claim jumping) and the stockpiling of stuff from bank offers means there is no longer any need to do the latter.

New kingdoms will no longer have big instant influence.So how will they accomodate the new kingdoms when there is presently ,for the time being going to be so few of them?