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Disinsentive to progress,complete in events,even play

Disinsentive to progress,complete in events,even play

Aug 12, 2018, 16:5208/12/18

Disinsentive to progress,complete in events,even play

There is thread on the forum about the inequality in the present ranking system, and I could've perhaps posted there instead.

However I think there is a deeper issue here.

The issue is widespread,but will just give one example.

I am currently in the League of Conquerors, and will not even be able to make the 2nd target in the invader hunt, where the reward is 4000 gold.

I've recently despatched my first level 4 invader , just to see what happened, and how much energy, it would cost.

It would take a large chunk of my remaining reserves,just to kill another,and it wouldnt make much of a dent in making the 2nd target.

I checked on the Rookie level,the player at the top of this league is palace 21 and will probably win the 200,000 gold, somewhere else is another player in a rookie league and who is palace 26.

This player is so far advanced they can,need to disguise their  Shaman and Hero equiment, the clan even has the POP.

I dont expect the owners to give stuff away easily,but you need 10,000 gold a week,just to cover the cost of a shield.

8,000 gold per day to afford the luxury of Hero and Shaman experience boost.

If I go to palace 21, I will probably find myself in the League of Master s, where I know that the targets will be even harder to reach, and so the amount of gold I can accumulate will go down yet again.

Progress costs, and it seems you just end up chasing a receding target.

Aug 14, 2018, 01:2608/14/18

I am reduced to replying to my own message.

Presently not sure where else to post my gripe.

Is the clan being punished for me complaining?

The clan is normally in League of Recruits and isn't doing that well there.

We find ourselves in League of Warriors for the current Clan Task Completion Competition, where the first target is 25,000 points.

We generally dont even make the third level in our usual league which is 7500 points.

Why the promotion??

Enough said .

Aug 14, 2018, 23:0108/14/18
what league you are in is governed by the total influence of your clan maybe some player gained more influence or you have been upgrading your stronghold, im not sure what the amounts of clan influence are to be in the different leagues but i know the lower leagues you can be promoted from very easily with little clan influence growth
Aug 14, 2018, 23:1408/14/18
That clan task event (even personal one) is hard to get checkpoints period. 
Aug 15, 2018, 01:1208/15/18
Aug 15, 2018, 01:16(edited)

Andy Hudson,

What you say is supposed to be the case maybe isnt.

No significant changes that would have caused a promotion seems likely to be the answer.

Also what  perhaps wasnt made clear  enough is, that for everything else, we are still in the League of Recruits.

So why the difference ?

If we were regularly making the high targets in the lower league, I could seee some sense in the promotion,but we are not,so there seems no justification.


I know the targets in the tasks completion competition are hard to get ,but unachievable is another matter altogether.

Competitions aught to have some basis on  merit,what you are actually doing, not what they think you can do , or should be doing, can only do by buying the competition.

Of course the latter buys into why the game exists as it does and the idea of it being a competition is a bit of a joke.

Aug 15, 2018, 09:5608/15/18
Your clan league is determined by the clan influence ... so if the clan influence goes up (which it should) then the clan league goes up ... not all events have the same determination for what league the clan is in ... so in one event type you might be in one league and in another different event type you may be in a different league.
Aug 15, 2018, 16:3008/15/18
CIM said:

Your clan league is determined by the clan influence ... so if the clan influence goes up (which it should) then the clan league goes up ... not all events have the same determination for what league the clan is in ... so in one event type you might be in one league and in another different event type you may be in a different league.
yep this is also a factor to take into consideration, as i am in my own small clan and in different leagues for different clan events, also works the same for some personal events
Aug 15, 2018, 16:3108/15/18
the clan task event in my opinion is a waste of time and effort save task refreshers for other events
Aug 15, 2018, 20:4308/15/18
Aug 15, 2018, 20:47(edited)

I would agree with you, but  either I am not explaining sufficently well (which is a very distinct possibility), or you are missing the point.

I would only use any availableTask Refreshers, if the target was reachable.

You do not make much headway with 5 points for a simple task, and mostly they are these.

Dont forget that the refresh is 4 times a a day  and would be lucky to catch every one,every time.

On top of this if you haven't progressed very far then you do not get many tasks to do.

If you havent got VIP( another need for gold...) then firstly  you dont get the premium tasks, and secondly, you do not get auto complete .

So you can only do well in the competitions if you play regularly and pay for tools to enable you to take part.

As I tried to say previously.

Seems to me you dont actually win, if one had the money,you might as well just pay for packs to get boosts and gold and not bother partaking in any of the events, especially as they are not fair.

As I mentioned, The Clan task fiasco, is just one example of the unfairness of the league system, which others have complained about elsewhere on the forum.

Aug 15, 2018, 22:2208/15/18

Hopefully a player that cannot buy packs can be assisted by finding a large clan with several paying members and by that, advancing far in each clan event earning them gold with options to use it. This is the way I started...I didn't buy a thing until I was sure that I enjoyed the game on that level.

As far as task events go... Imagine a one player clan with a billion influence and imagine a 100 player clan with a billion influence. Same league, more take would equal more points. /Shrug.... Definitely a TEAM event.