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Battle Essentials

Battle Essentials

Apr 3, 2018, 06:5904/03/18

Battle Essentials

Greetings guys,

I had question when i was new in this game that how battle mechanism works. Then after some study and observation i came out with this conclusion. Tho it is my opinion and it may differ.

Battle in this game doesn't work like who gets the first shot. Instead it works on math. Every bit of % is calculated first and stats of both of the players are calculated and then based on the result of calculation winners are declared.

First all of you attack, defense & health are calculated then multiplied with no. of troops so we get total power of your army and then those of defenders are calculated and then both are added up. The one with higher no. obviously wins.

Lets first talk with respective to barracks.

Here in stats first health is compared then defense is compared and then attack at last. If you have your troop health higher than your enemy by 100% then there are chance that you may win but algorithm compares all 3 stats first. But many big players will say that increase your troop health more, that is because it is firstly compared then defense will be there and if both of them are sufficient enough to kill 80% of enemy troops then you will win.


Here we have stats of 2.3mil t1 siege troops in defense equipments with palace 26 and all big 6 knowledge in military at 10/15 with Bastion of beast town skin, Excluding boosts. So total stats of this many troops will be like this

Total attack - 613.065 mil

Total defense -1.090 bil

Total health - 1.001 bil

This are the amount of total points which will be compared later to enemy's points.

Now consider enemy is sending t2 troops in its march and that too siege only.

Enemy's troop stats are

Total attack - 385.48 mil

Total defense - 702.882 mil

Total health - 647.147 mil

Here we can see that stats are lower than t1 as no. of t1 troops are higher so they will win this battle if this many t2 are sent. But if higher level of troops are sent like consider t5 then 300k of t5 will be enough to kill 2.3mil t1.

Now according to formula

lets discuss a formula which was derived by many others to calculate power of troops and stats. Formula is as follows

Square Root(Total Attack * Total Defense * Total Health)/1000 = Total power of 1 troop.

Now we need to multiply Total power with Total of troops. Like if u have 500k t1 and t2 then do separate calculation for both of them and then add those stuff together. This Formula is only there to determine whose army is bigger THAT'S IT. According to it, further decisions are taken into account. 


500k t1 total power = (sqrt(200*200*200)/1000) * 500k = 1414213.56

500k t2 total power = (sqrt(300*300*300)/1000) * 500k = 2598076.21

Now adding those becomes 4012289.77 that is 4.01mil. Now opponent has to have power more than 4.5mil to destroy your troops in general. So one with bigger army will obviously win but it doesn't mean that we need to have millions of t1 troops if you have 1 mil t1 than 100k t6 troops are enough to destroy your army. So far we have seen Total Attack, Defense & Health. Now we shall talk about Reducers.

Reducers are complete beasts of this game. Once we have them on then enemy army will have to work harder on stats and no. to overcome our normal army. If one has 50% reducers from hero and 30% boosts on and If enemy has 430% attack then its effect gets reduced to 350% which is like crippling an army 1/3 from its original ratio. By reducers power of troops also gets affected. So its an advice that once you are ready to attack please check your reducers once. And also start setting points from reducers and then go up the military tree.

Since i am still learning this algorithm please feel free to give suggestions about it. Hopefully it may help understand BATTLE MECHANISM a bit.

Apr 3, 2018, 11:5104/03/18

Good guide! TY, but i have 1 question: where in formula you calculated type of unit?

Apr 3, 2018, 11:5904/03/18
Rocketman said:

Good guide! TY, but i have 1 question: where in formula you calculated type of unit?

there is noting like type of unit we have to see about what type of unit we want to use
Apr 3, 2018, 12:5504/03/18
Some types of troops have advantage or disadvantage against other types of troops.  So that should be part of any formula ... :)
Apr 3, 2018, 15:1904/03/18
CIM said:

Some types of troops have advantage or disadvantage against other types of troops.  So that should be part of any formula ... :)
Yes they should be but m figuring now how they works....need more time to see on them...hopefully someone might do it early than me.
Apr 3, 2018, 18:3604/03/18

Crime said:

So one with bigger army will obviously win but it doesn't mean that we need to have millions of t1 troops

there is something called saturation level who is used for calculate the loss

let say that you are attack by 1000 t1 and that you defend with 1000 t1 ... same type, same buffer, everything identical... both side will loose 80%... 800 t1

now, same scenario but with 1100 t1 in defense... loss is 668 for the defense and 800 for the attack

again but with 1300 t1 in defense... loss is 600 for defense and 800 for the attack

again with 1538 t1 in defense... loss is 520 for defense and 800 for the attack

more t1 that 1538 in defense give the same saturation ratio that 1538

so, ideal is to have at least 1.538 time the offense of the attacker in t1 for minimize the loss to t1 only xjo are cheap and easy to replace... with march who can hold 500k t6, you need at least a few million t1 for take the hit and minimize your defender loss... 10 million t1 can be enough in case of massive onslaught...

Apr 3, 2018, 18:3804/03/18

Crime said:

Yes they should be but m figuring now how they works....need more time to see on them...hopefully someone might do it early than me.

until today, the best explanation about the combat system can be found at
Apr 4, 2018, 08:2804/04/18

I also found a nice video, but it is more interesting for new players

Apr 4, 2018, 12:0504/04/18
anesfan said:

Crime said:

Yes they should be but m figuring now how they works....need more time to see on them...hopefully someone might do it early than me.

until today, the best explanation about the combat system can be found at
This is the best explanation we had till now but it gets bit heavy when he gets on saturation levels and reducers. That why i tried my best to explain it here. And about that saturation point i think its bit useless until you know how many troops enemy will send and what type exactly, Which i think is way hard to get. Yeah one can assume all the marches and building stats and stuff but every attack is different from previous ones and everyone has their own way. So i didn't included that one here.
Apr 4, 2018, 12:2004/04/18

anesfan said:

so, ideal is to have at least 1.538 time the offense of the attacker in t1 for minimize the loss to t1 only xjo are cheap and easy to replace... with march who can hold 500k t6, you need at least a few million t1 for take the hit and minimize your defender loss... 10 million t1 can be enough in case of massive onslaught...

i deny that one can stand against massive onslaught with 10mil t1. And i also agree that one player if hit singly can withstand any biggies.

This are my definition of massive onslaughts and they are really massive....and below are the one with single battle and where opponent was at lvl31 still he lost and had to discuss how the lesser player managed it. Both belongs to my kingdom yet they fight like dogs...

Apr 5, 2018, 17:1704/05/18

Crime said:

i deny that one can stand against massive onslaught with 10mil t1. And i also agree that one player if hit singly can withstand any biggies.

This are my definition of massive onslaughts and they are really massive....

and below are the one with single battle and where opponent was at lvl31 still he lost and had to discuss how the lesser player managed it. Both belongs to my kingdom yet they fight like dogs...

let start with your last screenshot... seem that the winner is a specialist melee... being a specialist is the only way to increase your winning chance...

as for the 10 mil t1, it is a minimum who will take the hit... most of them will be exterminated during the onslaught... they are the meat shield but you need high level troop for back them up...

in my case, my troop are :

i have over 10 mil t1 archer but some are out of town now... yet growing my amount of t2 to t5 at 2 mil for each lvl... i am a specialist archer, stronhold gear for it, hero tree for it, research for it... secondary speciality is spy...

have no screenshot but in a long ago massive onslaught, i have loose 80% of my t1 and almost 50% of my t2 but my troop from more high level have survive... was not the case for the ennemy... as i say, t1 take the hit and die but the high lvl troop kill the ennemy... if you have not enough t1 for reach saturation, your high lvl troop begin to die and give plenty of pts to the ennemy

research do a lot too... in the t1/t5 research, i have fully done the t1 to t3 defense/health/attack research... working on the t4 now

a other thing... how you do hero tree is important... most people begin at the top and continue down until all pts are used... it is a big mistake... you must begin down and going up...

for example, troop health I need 15 pts for 15% increase but troop health II need 50 pts for 85% increase...

it pay better in % to increase first thing bellow the tree and sometime ignore the top of the tree since you will never have enough pts for everything...

in screenshot below, it was not a onslaught but a big guy lvl 30 who have attack me with a lot of troop type ( not specialist )... i was lvl 25 at the time and half of my actual influence... you can see how my big amount of t1 take the hit... now, i can take a onslaught from 4 or 5 guys like this one... but i can be beaten by a onslaught from only a few lvl25-26 who are specialist in horse...


Apr 6, 2018, 05:2604/06/18

anesfan said:

let start with your last screenshot... seem that the winner is a specialist melee... being a specialist is the only way to increase your winning chance...

as for the 10 mil t1, it is a minimum who will take the hit... most of them will be exterminated during the onslaught... they are the meat shield but you need high level troop for back them up...

research do a lot too... in the t1/t5 research, i have fully done the t1 to t3 defense/health/attack research... working on the t4 now

a other thing... how you do hero tree is important... most people begin at the top and continue down until all pts are used... it is a big mistake... you must begin down and going up...

for example, troop health I need 15 pts for 15% increase but troop health II need 50 pts for 85% increase...

it pay better in % to increase first thing bellow the tree and sometime ignore the top of the tree since you will never have enough pts for everything...

First thank you for sharing this with us. I agree with you on tier1-5 knowledge They actually boost up stats by many folds.

Second thing i would say that always be a troop specialist. Tho it has its own pros and cons but we all have seen that we have enough hero points for 1 troop type only. Yes is is better to start doing points from below the tree and yes we all must do that for better results as one cannot be at hero lvl60 and palace lvl26 easily.

Now abt my last screenshot...yes he is melee specialist and it worked better for him but also the one hitting him is specialist in siege troops. He almost have 4milt6 siege. There the thing i wanted to mentioned was that if you arrange your troops and hero better you can take hit from single player but it is risky.But as i said we cannot know how much enemy can send so finding saturation is bit difficult this days as we have many areas in hero knowledge to unlock yet.

Yes t1 take the hit and i personally call them meat shields as they do protect others troops from taking hit. The more the no. of your higher lvl troops the more your army is stronger. But if you don't have t1 then those have chance to die earlier. I would never deny the fact that having more t1 is not good in fact it is better to have more t1 but main power of your army are t4-6 troops in defense.

If you are attacker and have more t1 than they may be not useful that much. There t4-6 are more important. So i do say that defense have more t1 and attacker have more t4-6 troops BUT i would also mention that troop specialty is must for this game...

Apr 6, 2018, 12:5004/06/18

Crime said:


There was not war

and all you wrote in your last post is right... just forget to mention something who is changing everything recently : SHAMAN

Slowly, update after update, these shaman become more important that hero in this game... a good shaman in the attack or defense can mean the difference between victory and defeat...

Apr 7, 2018, 04:3404/07/18
Apr 7, 2018, 04:36(edited)

anesfan said:


Slowly, update after update, these shaman become more important that hero in this game... a good shaman in the attack or defense can mean the difference between victory and defeat...

Yes i put this info in my other topic which i am doing now as this topic is just to understand battle mechanizm and absolutely they are getting more important this days. Hope we see other troops shaman very soon but yes they are expected with some more twists.

Thanks for this suggestion buddy.
May 28, 2018, 20:2005/28/18


I would like to know if the bonus from one troops to another (for example melee over cavalry ) means that all the stats for 1 troops is adding 50% or does it mean that all the stats are multipied by 1.5.

For example if you have melee with 500% bonus in attack the game will consider it with 750% or 550%

Thanks for your answers
May 29, 2018, 07:5605/29/18

I really don't know how we actually can calculate it, because all this data are secret. But i can say on my experience - 50/25 bonus not added to all 3 stats, only to 1-2

Sep 6, 2018, 23:3209/06/18
I don't think its that much higher,  more. 015 increase not 300..
Sep 7, 2018, 03:2709/07/18
lethybo said:


I would like to know if the bonus from one troops to another (for example melee over cavalry ) means that all the stats for 1 troops is adding 50% or does it mean that all the stats are multipied by 1.5.

For example if you have melee with 500% bonus in attack the game will consider it with 750% or 550%

Thanks for your answers
Game will calculate it as 550% not 750% as those all are in percentages it will make sure that percentages add up to another like our equipments do. SO yes it would be 550