BiohazarD said:
Sith said:
Haha wow, that was ridiculous XD
you are so evil Bio xD
Not in a bad way. It was just funny how they were playing the dramatic music and stuff.
Can i just say that i am really disappointed by Wolfpacks response, for all of their bluster for all of their threats of having a coalition of 20+ clans that we have apparently angered at some point or another that it has all fizzled down into nothing, literally the only attack we have had was a few recons sent to our emmis and them invading empty sectors and calling that a victory
Where is your punctuation? :OCan i just say that i am really disappointed by Wolfpacks response, for all of their bluster for all of their threats of having a coalition of 20+ clans that we have apparently angered at some point or another that it has all fizzled down into nothing, literally the only attack we have had was a few recons sent to our emmis and them invading empty sectors and calling that a victory
where is the fight the challenge the spunk, but most importantly where is the fun no more words lets see you guys actually hit something
@CK-Basilius Errant Le'reaper (22 May, 2016, 10:41 AM UTC):
I'd just like to point out that when someone's packing 9M defence, I don't think they'd have much more room for offence without going into the negative (Using fully upgraded normal Excaliburs, that's almost your entire "standard" 30K setup)
And some people really hate going into debt :P
fakeasnever said:
@CK-Basilius Errant Le'reaper (22 May, 2016, 10:41 AM UTC):
I'd just like to point out that when someone's packing 9M defence, I don't think they'd have much more room for offence without going into the negative (Using fully upgraded normal Excaliburs, that's almost your entire "standard" 30K setup)And some people really hate going into debt :P
With 2 vault thermopile generators and darkened interceptors, you can get to about 20 mil defense on an account without going negative on credit production. With level 21 vaults (can be done in a few months just using crystals from clan pvp/infest tournament rewards) that number goes up to 30 mil. So 20 good defense accounts could support 600 mil defense, which would be enough to decently defend all of their current emitters.
That leaves 140 spaces for offense people. So it's certainly possible for a clan to be strong in both, it just takes some planning and teamwork.Yeah if they level their vaults up to 25, but that gets pretty expensive.actually , one can support 35 mil O and D and still have positive credits.
but i think the video is still missing a disclaimer....
you know the part that denotes the whoopin your gonna take for joining WP and being in battle with the MoRs.....
Just saying..
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