We've made some fixes and improvements so you can enjoy a smoother experience:
- "Clan HQ" window fixed to include a pop-up with information that Level 30 is a Milestone Level.
Now, go and show what you're about!
imi apare o eroare de 2 zile (flash wapper ) si nu se mai deschiede jocu am instalat iar jocu si tot nu merge ,stiti cumva cum se remediaza asta?
Complete delete Plarium Play and try to re-install it. If you still have issues please be sure your operating system is up-to-date.
If after that you still can not enter the game contact Plarium Support please by using this link:
degeaba ,am instalat si windows nou si tot nu se deschide fereastra la joc ,am instalat si jocu de 10 ori si tot nu vrea,apare flash wrapper..
Dacă problema persistă, domnule comandant, vă sugerez să folosiți planul B și să contactați echipa noastră de asistență. Ne puteți ține la curent în acest topic! (via Google Translate)
Since the new installment of Plarium Play 8.4.0 acess to the game is unavailable to the majority of the players. You get 99% or 100% on the opening screen, then it go to a black screen. Three weeks now. I uninstall and re-install every day.I should know as a league marshal trying to contact my league members.
THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED for the playability of the game to get the big fat cash hogs' snout in the cash trough. Maybe the money spend by my league members in the past is not good enough in the future.
Since the new installment of Plarium Play 8.4.0 acess to the game is unavailable to the majority of the players. You get 99% or 100% on the opening screen, then it go to a black screen. Three weeks now. I uninstall and re-install every day.I should know as a league marshal trying to contact my league members.
THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED for the playability of the game to get the big fat cash hogs' snout in the cash trough. Maybe the money spend by my league members in the past is not good enough in the future.
I am sorry to hear you have this issue Commander. We did not receive more complaints regarding this.
I suggest you contact our Support Dept using this link:
I sent in several tech request on each of my games. On opening screen all go to 99% or 100%, then it becomes a total black screen.
We can not solve this issue here in the Forum Commander.
Please contact Support:
si ce este de facut cu asta ? cum se remediaza aceasta problema cu ecranu negru ...poate explica cineva ?
Comandante, dacă vă confruntați în continuare cu problema ecranului negru, ați încercat să reinstalați jocul și să ștergeți memoria cache, atunci vă recomand să ne scrieți la serviciul de asistență tehnică. Descrieți în detaliu situația dvs. și echipa va încerca să folosească instrumentele lor pentru a vă ajuta. Iată linkul (via Google Translate)