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Bug with Extractor Rig!Bug with Extractor Rig!

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Bug with Extractor Rig!

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Jun 30, 2023, 19:2706/30/23

Bug with Extractor Rig!

Major BUG with Extractor Rig! I have had my Rig at level 7 for years recently I upgraded to lvl 8 and then on to lvl 9.

I was hit and got zeroed but made it back to lvl 9, next time I was hit it would only allow me back to lvl 8 and ask that I pay in crystals or chips to get back to lvl 9 again. Now rebuilding again it's only allowing me to get to level 6 Then asking me to pay for the upgrades in upgrade chips or crystals for level 7.

Please look into this asap, I paid good money for these upgrades. Nowhere in the info/rules does it state you would have to pay again for any of these upgrades. If that had been the case I would have left my extractor rig at level 7 as anyone that plays this knows your rig can get taken down quite often and would be weird to have to pay again and again each time to reach levels you have already paid for.

Jul 1, 2023, 04:2607/01/23
Jul 1, 2023, 06:21(edited)

You can rebuild the RIG with resources till LVL 6

Level 7-8-9 require Chips. Everytime! So it is not a bug Commander. Thats just how it works

My advice: Leave the RIG at lvl 6 MAX as it is not worth the Chips

Jul 1, 2023, 14:0207/01/23
Jul 3, 2023, 02:23(edited)

Well as stated it's been able to go to level 7 for years, many many years. I have been playing this game T/D since it was in beta. There should be some notes that if you buy extra levels 8 & 9 they are only temporary and a waste of your money. Plarium is taking advantage of its players by not telling us this upfront allowing them to make a profit on something that is a waste of the player's money IF what you say is true. Please post where Plairum set this as a rule to the game other wise give me what I paid for back?

Personally, with all the stupid changes Plarium has made to this game, I think they are trying to get players to quit this game so they can close it since it no longer makes a good profit for them.  If what you say is true? Plarium has now lost another paying consumer for all the games I play of there's.

Jul 2, 2023, 02:5007/02/23

This is not the RIG but the Bioreactor.

Jul 2, 2023, 04:1607/02/23
Jul 2, 2023, 04:29(edited)

Duh, you seeing things again? lol BTW you already knew this as a mod and that I had deleted the post after seeing the mistake my grandson had made about what he upgraded. I will not let him use my credit card again nor will I. If I play any more it will be for free only, with no more cash from this household.

Jul 2, 2023, 07:0407/02/23
Hand of DooM

Duh, you seeing things again? lol BTW you already knew this as a mod and that I had deleted the post after seeing the mistake my grandson had made about what he upgraded. I will not let him use my credit card again nor will I. If I play any more it will be for free only, with no more cash from this household.

Game can be played without making a single payment Sir. Enjoy!!

Jul 2, 2023, 21:1607/02/23
Jul 3, 2023, 00:18(edited)

Game can be played without making a single payment Sir. Enjoy!!

BTW You never ANSWERED any of my Questions BUT you were very quick to jump on a Deleted post and revise it so that I had to delete it again. Why is this? YOU are of no help as a admin/mod so why do you even post?

Trolling is against the forum rules are you a troll? Ban yourself. lol SS was taken.

Jul 3, 2023, 07:1207/03/23

I suppose your "bug" with the RIG is "solved" now so I close this thread. 

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