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Mar 2, 2018, 14:1103/02/18


i cant post the video so i put the link of it on the facebook it is proving that they are playing with script as they fix the extractor rig while they are offline and this is not allowed if you are offline that`s the evidence i could get for now ... i posted that on the game groups and the admins banned me so i hope you can help me through that

Mar 2, 2018, 18:2303/02/18

@tarekadel (2 March, 2018, 2:11 PM UTC):
My best guess is a display bug.

However, you're best off submiting this to the help and support desk.

Mar 2, 2018, 18:5003/02/18
no its not a bug its a program they use it its one of the things this program able to do i have take a lot of videos for it but this the most  high quality on it  and a lot of people use it not only one but he is the only one who i have take the video for him and if u care u will show his last login from 3 days ago and i got screen shots for some peoples to but the video is high quality  trust me its not a bug its hack 
Mar 3, 2018, 03:3203/03/18

@Tarekdael (2 March, 2018, 6:50 PM UTC):
If you mean the video resolution, there is no discernable difference between the offered 840p and 270p (Regardless of computer and monitor used to view the video), but that's unrelated.

Reagrdless, I can not access the game files, as I do not work for Plarium; I only moderate their forum. I highly doubt any Plarium employee would share his login history either, as that would violate the privacy policy.

DeletedTechnical Support
Mar 3, 2018, 11:0303/03/18
Hello, if you suspect players are violating our policies, please submit a request via the form Report a Violation. We will thoroughly investigate the situation and take appropriate measures.
Mar 3, 2018, 20:5203/03/18
i cant attach the video at the report violation section because it always give me the error message the video is on facebook please show it to the people who can deal with it i am not reporting someone i am reporting a hack itself 
DeletedTechnical Support
Mar 8, 2018, 11:1303/08/18
Please insert the link to the video in your report.
Mar 10, 2018, 00:1403/10/18

i send it to Plarium Support Center but no answer but no answer

Mar 10, 2018, 01:1103/10/18
tarekadel said:

i cant post the video so i put the link of it on the facebook it is proving that they are playing with script as they fix the extractor rig while they are offline and this is not allowed if you are offline that`s the evidence i could get for now ... i posted that on the game groups and the admins banned me so i hope you can help me through that

The server only counts it as a log in when you refresh the game.  So if someone just leaves the game minimized for a log period of time they can still be active with the game showing them as not online recently. 
DeletedTechnical Support
Mar 10, 2018, 12:3903/10/18
Please note that investigation can take some time and for security reasons we can't disclove its results. 
DeletedTechnical Support
Mar 12, 2018, 11:1703/12/18

The reported case cannot be classified as a bug. I have moved your topic to Game Discussion thread.