@Twoser (1 March, 2018, 2:51 AM UTC):
They usually won't reply to unsolicited DMs, so there's not much point to doing that.
If it's more related to the forum community, then you'll have to wait for a CM to acknowledge you in this thread you before you send the DM.
If it's only related to the game, then you're better off sending a ticket to the help and support desk (Abusive/cheating player, etc).
Yeah, the best approach is to just submit a ticket.@Twoser (1 March, 2018, 2:51 AM UTC):
They usually won't reply to unsolicited DMs, so there's not much point to doing that.If it's more related to the forum community, then you'll have to wait for a CM to acknowledge in this thread you before you send the DM.
If it's only related to the game, then you're better off sending a ticket to the help and support desk (Abusive/cheating player, etc).
@Twoser (2 March, 2018, 6:34 PM UTC):
This is the link: https://plariumsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Ignore the fact the background is not related to Total Domination: Nuclear Strategy; You will be able to specify the game afterwards.
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