This is more then a little disappointing. The daily Echelon 'high' was looked forward to by many many clan members. Clans went through quite a bit to keep their clan activity high, and now one of the main reasons for keeping clan activity at near 100% has just Poof been taken?
What was the reasoning here? Surely an additional +5% O/D was not an imbalance. Especially when ALL clans could get it (The smaller clans even easier, as they'd have less members that needed to be online...)
Biohazard or FakeAsNever, Please move this 'bug' to the correct channel 'Game Discussion' as it is not a bug and should be annunced rather then silently changed. Thanks!
Hello, Commanders!
There are a couple of moments I want to highlight in this post:
1. As many of you have noticed the Echelon activators were removed from the Clan Activity Reward.
Why has it been done?
When a couple of months passed since a new feature is added to the game, our team of analytics checks the statistic data to understand what effect this feature had on the game balance. The same was done in the case with the Clan activity feature as well. Once the data was analyzed, it was decided to remove Echelon activators from the reward.
All feedback you left in the group regarding this change has been forwarded to devs already and they're checking it.
2. Unfortunately, we missed adding the information about this change in the Update news post and we're sorry for it. From our end, we will make everything possible to avoid such situations in the future.
Unfortunately, they don't share this information with me :(Thank you very much for the honest and complete answer Sergey Kryvorotchenko
I'm quite curious as to what data, and what in the data, the game mechanics team has found that would cause for such a change. No chance you could ask them?
Thanks again!
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