We are not on géotopia General and I don t know the name of my server. Just a problem : Even by integrating the 40 raids to start Sunday before noon and to arrive on Monday after 07:00 in the morning, by integrating 10 raids per 24 hours from Sunday 12:00, unless I am mistaken, the count is 40 + 10 + 10 +2 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. or 62 raids or 6.2 m points. How do you explain the 9.7 m? Or maybe there's a 100k raid style trick that hasn't been discovered for 13 years! With my thanks in advance for your reply and my apologies for my English.
We are not on géotopia General and I don t know the name of my server. Just a problem : Even by integrating the 40 raids to start Sunday before noon and to arrive on Monday after 07:00 in the morning, by integrating 10 raids per 24 hours from Sunday 12:00, unless I am mistaken, the count is 40 + 10 + 10 +2 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. or 62 raids or 6.2 m points. How do you explain the 9.7 m? Or maybe there's a 100k raid style trick that hasn't been discovered for 13 years! With my thanks in advance for your reply and my apologies for my English.
I mentioned GEOTOPIA jus as an example Commander. The basic/technics are exactly the same on every server. As I told you it has all to do with timing when a new week starts and sending resources :)
so tell me if its possible to raid more then 100k per raid we have 10 raids all 2 h a new raid and on tuesday more than 9 millions thats not possible calculate !!!! it's unfair to those who do their 100k raids and it seems to me that this is so common in the clan. last week this week
200K raids are possible :) Here an example
I would like to know too.
There was a day when we got 40 extra raids, those would account for 4m points.
Then I think 30 more raids from monday, tuesday and wednesday which would account for 3m points.
Maybe he sent out his 40 CvC raids out on sunday evening so they would arrive on Monday and count for that, that would be another 4m points.
So if the points were made with the 40 extra raids + the 30 daily raids + the 40 CvC Raids taken over from Sunday it would come out to a possible total of 11m points. He got 11.6m but maybe there were 10 more possible raids somehow i didn't remember.
However this is pure speculation and only works out if all the mentioned sources of points were actually present. So it is not a defenitive answer to your question, but it shows how this could be possible without any bugs or cheats.
This has already been explained in MANY other threads, so I'll just give short answer here. You can store up an unlimited number of raids by sending them at a sector and then having it teleport or bubble right before they hit (raids sent are returned and added to your counter on top of raids that regenerated while they were traveling).
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