Do you mind providing an up to date guide? Any new players in the game have to compete with super top-end players that have been playing since the first year of the game and are so powerful that new players stand no chance and usually give up after being wiped by huge armies or by not understanding the infest system.
I do understand the "put units in, get units back + tax" and that sometimes payouts take more time then others to get, and that the best way is to build lots of cheap units earlier on en-mass and then send them to infests to get exchanged into more powerful units.
But I still can't do this consistently without eventually losing all that I've gained over several years and never getting anywhere to the strength that you or other players have leaving newer players feeling discouraged or quitting.
It's been like nearing a decade that this game has been around, are there any tips or secrets you can give to new players to be more successful? I don't think hiding it would do any good for the already pretty toned down community the game has. Anything to help you get new people invested (and to also help me actually enjoy the game more since I'm tired of losing my entire force for the 10th time..) .. it's really frustrating because it's time consuming and getting into big battles seems fun, but not when it takes a year to build up an army lost due to some weird cryptic infest system.. and surely all these top players like you aren't spending thousands of dollars on your troops..
Do you mind providing an up to date guide? Any new players in the game have to compete with super top-end players that have been playing since the first year of the game and are so powerful that new players stand no chance and usually give up after being wiped by huge armies or by not understanding the infest system.
I do understand the "put units in, get units back + tax" and that sometimes payouts take more time then others to get, and that the best way is to build lots of cheap units earlier on en-mass and then send them to infests to get exchanged into more powerful units.
But I still can't do this consistently without eventually losing all that I've gained over several years and never getting anywhere to the strength that you or other players have leaving newer players feeling discouraged or quitting.
It's been like nearing a decade that this game has been around, are there any tips or secrets you can give to new players to be more successful? I don't think hiding it would do any good for the already pretty toned down community the game has. Anything to help you get new people invested (and to also help me actually enjoy the game more since I'm tired of losing my entire force for the 10th time..) .. it's really frustrating because it's time consuming and getting into big battles seems fun, but not when it takes a year to build up an army lost due to some weird cryptic infest system.. and surely all these top players like you aren't spending thousands of dollars on your troops..
it's - tax, not + tax
This is very important, in the long run the infests always give back less troops than you put in. Sometimes you'll get a big payout, but if you do enough of them you will always lose troops. It's like casinos, you may get lucky once but the house always wins in the end. So infests should only be used to convert between troop types (ie load in infantry and armor and win better units), don't just ram all your troops into them and hope it goes well. The one exception is hitting your top level infest, this seems to give you a little bit more than you put in (until you get to the max level, which is currently 220, then it stops working).
it's - tax, not + tax
This is very important, in the long run the infests always give back less troops than you put in. Sometimes you'll get a big payout, but if you do enough of them you will always lose troops. It's like casinos, you may get lucky once but the house always wins in the end. So infests should only be used to convert between troop types (ie load in infantry and armor and win better units), don't just ram all your troops into them and hope it goes well. The one exception is hitting your top level infest, this seems to give you a little bit more than you put in (until you get to the max level, which is currently 220, then it stops working).
That's what I meant, mind my bad English usage for the confusion. Yeah, I just seem to not get very lucky even when depositing quite a lot of units.. it seems some players might know the exact amounts to be putting in to getting a high chance of a payout? I don't know. Oh well! At least I mostly understand the system, just unlucky I suppose.
That's what I meant, mind my bad English usage for the confusion. Yeah, I just seem to not get very lucky even when depositing quite a lot of units.. it seems some players might know the exact amounts to be putting in to getting a high chance of a payout? I don't know. Oh well! At least I mostly understand the system, just unlucky I suppose.
Some people have charts and stuff, but I don't really use them. You just build junk troops and load them in, and eventually you'll win some good troops. You hold onto the good ones and don't send them back in, then start the process again.
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