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Suggestion: Show Raided Resources inside Returning Attack!Suggestion: Show Raided Resources inside Returning Attack!

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Suggestion: Show Raided Resources inside Returning Attack!

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Aug 27, 2021, 02:3708/27/21

Suggestion: Show Raided Resources inside Returning Attack!

Here's an easy to implement quality of life that could be helpful for commanders on the battlefield. Upon raiding someone, you are told what resources you have received from the spoils of war area in the combat log. 

However, if you click on your returning troops, you can view a bunch of information but not what resources those troops are currently carrying. This would be helpful, as sending 10 raids at once, you don't know which incoming troops are carrying what resources from the raids! It can be confusing!

A quick two minute mockup in photoshop/photopea:


Something similar to this, or spread along the bottom? Put this in the next update or send it over to the developers as this would be cool to see along with some other quality of life features I think of over the next while. Cheers! ;)

Aug 27, 2021, 04:3708/27/21

Oh, another feature / quality of life that would be helpful is if you and other alliance members perform a joint attack on an emitter capturing it, allow the person who initiated the joint attack to recall their allies troops.

As far as I'm aware this isn't possible, and it leaves their offensive troops at the emitter they have to recall themselves when they may not be there leading to potential losses.

Aug 28, 2021, 05:0208/28/21
Aug 28, 2021, 05:04(edited)

Good ideas.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 9, 2021, 09:4009/09/21

Hello, Commander! Thanks a lot for your suggestions! 

Here's an easy to implement quality of life that could be helpful for commanders on the battlefield. Upon raiding someone, you are told what resources you have received from the spoils of war area in the combat log. 

Could you please specify why it's required to see this info? Isn't it enough to check out your Battle Reports afterwards?

Oh, another feature / quality of life that would be helpful is if you and other alliance members perform a joint attack on an emitter capturing it, allow the person who initiated the joint attack to recall their allies troops.
As far as I'm aware this isn't possible, and it leaves their offensive troops at the emitter they have to recall themselves when they may not be there leading to potential losses.

Yes, it's not possible at the moment. However, we had discussed this suggestion before. Our game designers think it's going to be too much power in the hands of one person if we let someone recall troops of other players. Thus, this idea was declined. 

Sep 11, 2021, 00:0409/11/21
Could you please specify why it's required to see this info? Isn't it enough to check out your Battle Reports afterwards?  

When raiding bases for resources, most players send all of their available raids at once. This makes it hard to tell exactly which of your, for example, 10 returning raids is carrying which resources since we often send raids using the same units. (Example: 50 Disintegrators or 25 battlecruisers or something like this..)

Yes, it's not possible at the moment. However, we had discussed this suggestion before. Our game designers think it's going to be too much power in the hands of one person if we let someone recall troops of other players. Thus, this idea was declined.  

I understand, I was just thinking it would be okay if it was the person who initiated the joint attack being able to do it wouldn't have any issues with too much power since they're the ones that went ahead and initiated it anyway. Unlike if it were any member being allowed to do it, which would definitely allow too much power or could be abused!


Also, if you have time, do you have any updates on this? Clan Challenge 

This post says that it was removed from the game, but there is a clan achievement called "Soldiers of the Imperium" which can't be completed anymore because of it, and nobody in the game has maxed it out as far as I'm concerned.. so, it should probably be removed from the game or re-introduced in some alternative form.. but that's up to what you and the team think!


AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 16, 2021, 14:0209/16/21
Could you please specify why it's required to see this info? Isn't it enough to check out your Battle Reports afterwards?  

When raiding bases for resources, most players send all of their available raids at once. This makes it hard to tell exactly which of your, for example, 10 returning raids is carrying which resources since we often send raids using the same units. (Example: 50 Disintegrators or 25 battlecruisers or something like this..)

Yes, it's not possible at the moment. However, we had discussed this suggestion before. Our game designers think it's going to be too much power in the hands of one person if we let someone recall troops of other players. Thus, this idea was declined.  

I understand, I was just thinking it would be okay if it was the person who initiated the joint attack being able to do it wouldn't have any issues with too much power since they're the ones that went ahead and initiated it anyway. Unlike if it were any member being allowed to do it, which would definitely allow too much power or could be abused!


Also, if you have time, do you have any updates on this? Clan Challenge 

This post says that it was removed from the game, but there is a clan achievement called "Soldiers of the Imperium" which can't be completed anymore because of it, and nobody in the game has maxed it out as far as I'm concerned.. so, it should probably be removed from the game or re-introduced in some alternative form.. but that's up to what you and the team think!


When raiding bases for resources, most players send all of their available raids at once. This makes it hard to tell exactly which of your, for example, 10 returning raids is carrying which resources since we often send raids using the same units. (Example: 50 Disintegrators or 25 battlecruisers or something like this..)

Got it now, thanks! But I thought that this info could be checked in your Battle Reports. But if you send the same units... Yes, then it would be harder. However, it's in this specific case as far as I got. 

I understand, I was just thinking it would be okay if it was the person who initiated the joint attack being able to do it wouldn't have any issues with too much power since they're the ones that went ahead and initiated it anyway. Unlike if it were any member being allowed to do it, which would definitely allow too much power or could be abused!

You're right. It's a better case, but still... Too much power over other players' troops, in my opinion. 

Also, if you have time, do you have any updates on this? Clan Challenge 
This post says that it was removed from the game, but there is a clan achievement called "Soldiers of the Imperium" which can't be completed anymore because of it, and nobody in the game has maxed it out as far as I'm concerned.. so, it should probably be removed from the game or re-introduced in some alternative form.. but that's up to what you and the team think!

I do know about this Clan Challenge. Unfortunately, we can't return it now. However, the team doesn't want to remove it from the game completely not to disappoint those Clans that had already earned it before. 

Sep 17, 2021, 19:0409/17/21
When raiding bases for resources, most players send all of their available raids at once. This makes it hard to tell exactly which of your, for example, 10 returning raids is carrying which resources since we often send raids using the same units. (Example: 50 Disintegrators or 25 battlecruisers or something like this..)

Got it now, thanks! But I thought that this info could be checked in your Battle Reports. But if you send the same units... Yes, then it would be harder. However, it's in this specific case as far as I got. 

I understand, I was just thinking it would be okay if it was the person who initiated the joint attack being able to do it wouldn't have any issues with too much power since they're the ones that went ahead and initiated it anyway. Unlike if it were any member being allowed to do it, which would definitely allow too much power or could be abused!

You're right. It's a better case, but still... Too much power over other players' troops, in my opinion. 

Also, if you have time, do you have any updates on this? Clan Challenge 
This post says that it was removed from the game, but there is a clan achievement called "Soldiers of the Imperium" which can't be completed anymore because of it, and nobody in the game has maxed it out as far as I'm concerned.. so, it should probably be removed from the game or re-introduced in some alternative form.. but that's up to what you and the team think!

I do know about this Clan Challenge. Unfortunately, we can't return it now. However, the team doesn't want to remove it from the game completely not to disappoint those Clans that had already earned it before. 

Regardless, thank you for replying and giving your insight!