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Aug 9, 2021, 21:0508/09/21

Battle Pass

Can anyone tell me why your battle pass is only activated for a short period of time, like 30 minutes. Are you limiting awards? Sure has been a lot of changes to this game recently none for the better. Not too mention your upgrade chips are unattainable under normal circumstances, your game seems to circle around MONEY, yet you tell players they can play for free. I tried that with an account and your game let it go flat.

Aug 12, 2021, 15:1808/12/21

Could you please explain what you're asking?  The battle pass is always active, but you have to buy the premium one to get the full rewards.  

Also, you can get upgrade chips (and crystals to buy them) from tournaments, and there are sometimes discounts to get them more cheaply, you just have to be patient.  But yes if you want everything upgraded immediately you'll have to spend money to get that.  

Aug 13, 2021, 19:5208/13/21

I have the premium battle pass, if it were active i would have maxed out the thing already, it seems to only give me prizes for 1 hour in the evening, i also see the rewards for daily, weekly and monthly only occur every 12 hours now, a slow down in progress eliminating the rewards given.

Aug 13, 2021, 20:1208/13/21

Yep I am right the Battle pass rewards are only available as long as the Mercenary Board remains active, so if you complete the rewards on the mercenary board then you can retrieve rewards through the battle pass, otherwise everything else you do doesn't count towards Battle pass rewards.

AlinaCommunity Manager
Sep 9, 2021, 09:3309/09/21

Yep I am right the Battle pass rewards are only available as long as the Mercenary Board remains active, so if you complete the rewards on the mercenary board then you can retrieve rewards through the battle pass, otherwise everything else you do doesn't count towards Battle pass rewards.

Not sure I got it, Commander. Speaking of the Premium Battle Pass, it's active starting from the moment you get it and till the end of the season. If you mean our standard Battle Pass, which is totally free, it's activated automatically when the season starts and is active till the end of the month. 

Sep 9, 2021, 18:2209/09/21

well then there is a serious problem, because i can do 50 infests and 12 raids and the points never go up, the battle pass is only activated when the timer resets at the time you have it set for for the mercenary board, example new mercenary contracts or operations. I just completed the destruction of troops and that line hasnt moved 1 mm. why is battle pass only active when the mercenary ops arrive for completion?

Sep 11, 2021, 00:1409/11/21

well then there is a serious problem, because i can do 50 infests and 12 raids and the points never go up, the battle pass is only activated when the timer resets at the time you have it set for for the mercenary board, example new mercenary contracts or operations. I just completed the destruction of troops and that line hasnt moved 1 mm. why is battle pass only active when the mercenary ops arrive for completion?

The Battle Pass only goes up when you complete Daily and Weekly contracts respectfully. They don't go up by doing infestations or mercenary operations. (Unless they are part of your contracts, which when completed and claimed, apply points toward your battle pass.)

There shouldn't be too much confusion there Commander! 

Sep 12, 2021, 16:3609/12/21

Oh no confusion at all- I just find it hilarious that you can only complete levels as long as the mercenary board is active, which Plarium controls the times of when that it is active, so you pay for the BP but are limited to what you can achieve by their time limits, simply fascinating😎

Sep 12, 2021, 16:4609/12/21

This may help you understand what I'm saying-




So you're waiting until their timer allows you to proceed with points aquisition, however you paid for the pass, and are now limited to what they allow, understand?

Sep 12, 2021, 21:1409/12/21
Sep 12, 2021, 21:14(edited)

This may help you understand what I'm saying-




So you're waiting until their timer allows you to proceed with points aquisition, however you paid for the pass, and are now limited to what they allow, understand?

Okay, I understand now. Yeah, that is the way they programmed and set it up.

I don't think it's that bad since it doesn't make it too overpowering for players that do pay compared to normal players, but it does kind of suck you can't refresh them.. something that could benefit even non-paying players.

Many other battle pass games do this too though, so not sure why you're shocked! You get tasks to do to earn points in a day, and every day you get new things to do to level up your battle pass.

Sep 13, 2021, 16:0109/13/21

Okay, I understand now. Yeah, that is the way they programmed and set it up.

I don't think it's that bad since it doesn't make it too overpowering for players that do pay compared to normal players, but it does kind of suck you can't refresh them.. something that could benefit even non-paying players.

Many other battle pass games do this too though, so not sure why you're shocked! You get tasks to do to earn points in a day, and every day you get new things to do to level up your battle pass.

If you click the green 'level up' button you can also just purchase level ups directly, instead of having to wait on the tasks to earn points.