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Reliable paid deal or scam?Reliable paid deal or scam?

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Reliable paid deal or scam?

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Jul 1, 2021, 17:2707/01/21

Reliable paid deal or scam?

As I have purchased some times some offers directly from the in game store. I notice someone advertising the following:

Hello dear players! We would like to offer you the service of buying game currency, bonuses and troops at a price ten times cheaper than the game store! Get stronger for real money! Enrollment example: 2 The price at the moment is 15$ - 1.000.000 Crystals (million) + elite defense and attack troops! There are also packages for 50$-100$-200$. Payment: Visa card, mastercart, american express. Do you want to get stronger? Write to the operator in the chat on the website: XXXXXXX or by mail: XXXXXXXXX website: XXXXXXXX

Should I buy a package from this website? Or is this a thieves site?

Is it safe to give them my credit card detail?

Jul 4, 2021, 08:5607/04/21
Jul 4, 2021, 09:00(edited)

It's obviously a scam...  Using exploits or third party tricks to get discounted stuff violates the T&S and will get your account blocked. (If it even actually worked, which it probably doesnt.  Most likely they take your money then ask for your login info and take your account as well).  

Also, please don't post links to third party websites as this is a violation of forum rules and can result in a ban.  

Jul 16, 2021, 19:3607/16/21
Also, please don't post links to third party websites as this is a violation of forum rules and can result in a ban.  

I am a paid user. I buy things from plarium. And why don't you ban that guy who is advertising this in game?

The advertising was done in game.  It's very annoying seeing the same message repeated in game chat.

Jul 17, 2021, 14:3207/17/21
Jul 17, 2021, 14:34(edited)

Dont ever give away any details. This is 100% a scam website. 

Please give us the coords from the player who sent this. Probably a LVL 2 base. 

We will ban the account