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more emitters again

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Apr 27, 2024, 16:1704/27/24

more emitters again

we need more emitters

Apr 28, 2024, 04:3504/28/24

ONLY Devs will decide if and when new emitters are added

May 2, 2024, 20:5205/02/24
May 2, 2024, 20:52(edited)

just tell them we need more i dont knew how to contact the devs only one row would be enough

DariaCommunity Manager
May 3, 2024, 12:1005/03/24
Lincoln LOUD

just tell them we need more i dont knew how to contact the devs only one row would be enough

Hi, Commander! Which server are you referring to?

May 7, 2024, 15:3605/07/24


DariaCommunity Manager
May 10, 2024, 09:0505/10/24
Lincoln LOUD


Thanks! So far, new Emitters have been added to the Facebook 2 and Ru servers yesterday. However, I will pass your request about the Plarium ones to our team so they can consider their next steps. 

May 17, 2024, 13:1405/17/24

please as soon as possilbe would be great

May 19, 2024, 11:0805/19/24

Why would we need more emitters?  There are plenty of basically inactive clans to kill and take theirs.  

May 19, 2024, 12:3705/19/24
May 21, 2024, 11:04(edited)

it cost a lot offense biohazzard wich i havent when i have i would do that or do you have some for my clan only to level up the hq? or tell me which emitter is weak best regards biohazzard 

May 23, 2024, 05:2905/23/24

The MoR are not interested in more issuers as they could lose top 1. Unfortunately, unfortunately, there will be issuers in the years to come... Plarium is on Cla MoR's side. If it were down to skill and gameplay they wouldn't even be on this server anymore.

May 23, 2024, 05:3105/23/24

Don't expect honor and respect in this server. What you will get are just old players along with developers hell-bent on making you spend a lot of money hoping to get some other result than a defeat.

May 23, 2024, 07:1205/23/24

Please stay on the subject Commanders.

Jun 12, 2024, 22:1506/12/24

I totally see new emitters necesary at some point but first I think plarium needs to resolve our dear bot clans problem for what do we need more emmis now? so they can gather those upgrade their HQ's and make an even greater massacre around the non bot clans? think about this, they are easily taking emmis from MoR and Spanish Army wich are the 2 strongest clans around here and have the best bonused troops so if they do that now with unmutated offence and low HQ levels with their beautiful programs imagine what they can do to smaller clans with smalls defenses once they get plenty of antigen to mutate their programmed dizzis.

Jun 12, 2024, 22:1706/12/24

The balance of the game is broken since programs are running freely around here you are not competing with humans anymore so why bother in putting new emmis knowing that? the first step to a bright game's future is to restore it's balance first

Jun 12, 2024, 22:2606/12/24
Jun 12, 2024, 22:30(edited)

And of course I get why new clans say that I would love to have emmis aswell the thing is those big clans wich are so "evil and egotistical" are now protecting you all with their presence around here thanks to MoR Spanish Army Anti Social etc wich have been batling against those programs and are the most expanded with the defenses not a single clan out of the top 3 has been seriously been hitted by them yet and to us, losing 4-5 emmis is nothing and (with all due respect) for most of you all would be game over. That may change once new emmis come and they decide to test the waters around

Jun 12, 2024, 23:3806/12/24

Nobody visits this forum anymore because every option contrary to the MoR is turned off. And they come to say that they are the protectors, that's pathetic. I hope more broadcasters come to balance the game, many clans took the top-ranked broadcasters on the map and have a high rating and others have several broadcasters with a low rating. And it ends up being uneven... let more emitters come so that inactive clans lose their ranking in the game's ranking. Either the person continues playing the game or their clan will be demoted... if not many clans stay at the top of the rankings having only 3 emitters on the map... that is very wrong.

Jun 12, 2024, 23:4606/12/24

It is not right for a clan to have an average of 3 broadcasters, and be among the top 10 clans in the game. It already demonstrates the need to have more broadcasters in the game. 

Jun 12, 2024, 23:5106/12/24

Please stay on the subject Commanders.

I know you are a player on the Geotopia server and I was too, there clans play frequently because there are more than 1000 emitters on this server, no more clans are created because they are all already occupied by the clans and they don't have the patience to accumulate 1 billion offensives to capture just 1 sender.

Jun 12, 2024, 23:5406/12/24

Please stay on the subject Commanders.

We need you to remove the MoR clan leader's privilege of deleting posts as he does not allow contrary opinions. This cannot exist in free play. I would like to contact the game's developers to obtain further clarification.

Jun 13, 2024, 01:5706/13/24
Jun 14, 2024, 09:34(edited)

Don't wait for the server to go down even further to add more transmitters. On servers where there are a large number of broadcasters, players are more active and it ends up becoming more advantageous for the plarium company as it attracts more players to the server. Currently there are very few or almost none of the people who invest money in the game because only one clan owns almost all small server issuers... that's why it's attracting so many BoTs

Jun 13, 2024, 02:2906/13/24
Jun 13, 2024, 02:38(edited)

Like I said new emmis are indeed necesary. But for that the game must be equal.... I know why many new russian players wants them. so they could mutate their offence and upgrade their HQ to run their programs more freely and make even more massive hits(wich speaking for myself would be enternatining) but also bad for the server and the game itself. It is impossible to compete against bot clans being normal players if you truly cared about competition you would just do what everyone else has done till now and play without cheats but nevermind it is fine for me anyways regardless I've been looking for a good fight for years and I sincerely hope from the bottom of my hearth that you can win it and let me retire without a single emmi left ;)