that i knew but how much is the limit?ive can raiding a sector 2 times then plarium says weekly limmit.for me says that you have approximately 150k ressources but he took more then that it was approximately 500k or more thats unfair
just tell me how 100k raids i knew ive try it but it doesent funktions 2 raids and not more ;-(
Send a raid with at least 100k capacity. 20 seconds before it lands, send 2 waves of 50k credits each (the first time it'll only let you send 1 wave but you'll still get 100k). A few seconds after the raid lands cancel the res transfers. Repeat as many times as you want.
Sometimes the game bugs out and won't let you do this with a particular target if you've already raided it a previous day that week, in this case just move on to another target.
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