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What is the best way to get EXP?

What is the best way to get EXP?

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Oct 17, 2019, 08:5510/17/19

What is the best way to get EXP?

I usually do infest for exp tournaments, because they give atleast some troops back. I'm interested if other game mechanics like invasion/raid has higher exp reward per troop destroyed. I'm too afraid to risk my troops if reward's less or even equal.
Oct 21, 2019, 15:4510/21/19
Cyborg Hawk said:

I usually do infest for exp tournaments, because they give atleast some troops back. I'm interested if other game mechanics like invasion/raid has higher exp reward per troop destroyed. I'm too afraid to risk my troops if reward's less or even equal.
If you have a large offense force and can find small targets that you can overwhelm and wipe out for minimal losses (or do same with defense getting people to attack a sector with high defense bonus) you can get xp fairly cheaply, but in general doing infests is a better source of xp than doing pvp.  
Oct 26, 2019, 18:2010/26/19

BiohazarD said:

If you have a large offense force and can find small targets that you can overwhelm and wipe out for minimal losses (or do same with defense getting people to attack a sector with high defense bonus) you can get xp fairly cheaply, but in general doing infests is a better source of xp than doing pvp.  

So, as far as I see it, infest for starters, then after I build army, a raid/reinforcement is an option too.

But how do I get army strong enough? I mean, as far as I've read it, everyone says infest gives army slightly less than resources you put in it and since I'm a new player who plays less than a month, I wouldn't ever be able to surpass players who play 1 year and +. They're better at training army, get better rewards at tournaments and they have a built up army, that I can't close that gap because troop training is limited unless I'm missing some other mechanics :D

Any way besides paying Benjamin Franklins that would let me close the gap?

Nov 3, 2019, 13:3811/03/19
Cyborg Hawk said:

So, as far as I see it, infest for starters, then after I build army, a raid/reinforcement is an option too.

But how do I get army strong enough? I mean, as far as I've read it, everyone says infest gives army slightly less than resources you put in it and since I'm a new player who plays less than a month, I wouldn't ever be able to surpass players who play 1 year and +. They're better at training army, get better rewards at tournaments and they have a built up army, that I can't close that gap because troop training is limited unless I'm missing some other mechanics :D

Any way besides paying Benjamin Franklins that would let me close the gap?

Yup, TD is not a p2w as weird as it may sound. you can build army considering the best outcome out of infests (train high cost per offense, get low cost per offense troops) that will boost your army. You can also train army based on highest offense per day too. You can use crystals to buy troops back/speed troop training up/get troops battle fleet from black market/revive troops from hospital/activate your echelon status. You can also use boosts to speed up training of troops. There are a lot of ways that can help you close the gap slightly over time. Use all of them and your power will start skyrocketing and you will close in for sure, even more, it will happen in considerably lower time than you could possibly guess.
Nov 4, 2019, 18:3511/04/19
Cyborg Hawk said:

BiohazarD said:

If you have a large offense force and can find small targets that you can overwhelm and wipe out for minimal losses (or do same with defense getting people to attack a sector with high defense bonus) you can get xp fairly cheaply, but in general doing infests is a better source of xp than doing pvp.  

So, as far as I see it, infest for starters, then after I build army, a raid/reinforcement is an option too.

But how do I get army strong enough? I mean, as far as I've read it, everyone says infest gives army slightly less than resources you put in it and since I'm a new player who plays less than a month, I wouldn't ever be able to surpass players who play 1 year and +. They're better at training army, get better rewards at tournaments and they have a built up army, that I can't close that gap because troop training is limited unless I'm missing some other mechanics :D

Any way besides paying Benjamin Franklins that would let me close the gap?

One way is to join a good clan.  Lots of the tournaments in the game are clan based, so if your clan does well you can get lots of free troops and crystals from them (pay attention though as there is usually a min number of points you have to score to get the clan reward, but these are low enough they're not difficult to get).  Also raid inactive sectors for resources, this will let you grow and build faster.  
Nov 7, 2019, 10:0611/07/19

Marshal KO said:

Yup, TD is not a p2w as weird as it may sound. you can build army considering the best outcome out of infests (train high cost per offense, get low cost per offense troops) that will boost your army. You can also train army based on highest offense per day too. You can use crystals to buy troops back/speed troop training up/get troops battle fleet from black market/revive troops from hospital/activate your echelon status. You can also use boosts to speed up training of troops. There are a lot of ways that can help you close the gap slightly over time. Use all of them and your power will start skyrocketing and you will close in for sure, even more, it will happen in considerably lower time than you could possibly guess.

Respect to you, our beloved DCL, but I think what BiohazarD said:

One way is to join a good clan. Lots of the tournaments in the game are clan based, so if your clan does well you can get lots of free troops and crystals from them (pay attention though as there is usually a min number of points you have to score to get the clan reward, but these are low enough they're not difficult to get). Also raid inactive sectors for resources, this will let you grow and build faster.

is right. We should work on clan events more often.

Also, you may say that, but the high lvl players can also do so, which will make no difference, because they're doing what I'm doing too.

Nov 7, 2019, 18:0111/07/19

Cyborg Hawk said:

Respect to you, our beloved DCL, but I think what BiohazarD said:

is right. We should work on clan events more often.

Also, you may say that, but the high lvl players can also do so, which will make no difference, because they're doing what I'm doing too.

Haha thx for the compliment and yes, what Bio said, is right, no doubt about it. We should work on clan tourneys more, but lets keep it infest only atm.

As for my tips, yes, many others can do so too, but do they? I mean, look at me... I've spent a great amount of boosts to speed up tech/buildings, I've spent a lot of crystals for a bunch of army teleporters, credit consumption reductions, infest scanners and so on...

While, those crystals and boosts could be used in an alternate way too (I mean recovering hundreds of millions of my offense and defense which I lost in pvp and infest). So, yeah. Not everyone stick with what's best. Add careless actions to them and you will realize that everyone's loosing either their army, or the potential of gaining more, but if you have what it takes to do enough grinding without doing much else, then you will get power really fast.

Nov 12, 2019, 11:5411/12/19

lol. Now that I think about it, you're the most careless person that I know when it comes to troops xD

If TD has more old school guys like you with same kind of actions, then I guess I can beat them haha.

And yes, I love grinding, it will be easy for me, but can you please tell me how the heck did you manage to gain hundreds of millions def and off, how did you manage to destroy them and how do you still have that big of an army lol.

I know, 7 years and all, but still, you said you never payed for crystals or anything so HOW?

Plz answer. In here or in clan chat, just curious lol

Nov 13, 2019, 06:4611/13/19
Nov 13, 2019, 06:48(edited)
Cyborg Hawk said:

lol. Now that I think about it, you're the most careless person that I know when it comes to troops xD

If TD has more old school guys like you with same kind of actions, then I guess I can beat them haha.

And yes, I love grinding, it will be easy for me, but can you please tell me how the heck did you manage to gain hundreds of millions def and off, how did you manage to destroy them and how do you still have that big of an army lol.

I know, 7 years and all, but still, you said you never payed for crystals or anything so HOW?

Plz answer. In here or in clan chat, just curious lol

If done correctly it costs roughly $150 per 100m offense or defense (on a sector with all possible boosts and good champion items).  So for some of us it's not that difficult to just coin a few hundred mil, especially over the course of several months or a year.    You can also get a lot of free crystals from tapsites, although that is risky especially on the higher level ones since big players like to use them for pvp.  
Feb 4, 2020, 16:3702/04/20




But seriously. 6 tapsites @ 3000 crystals per 27 hours.

That's 112k crystals per week

FREE crystals per week I might add. Imagine what you can do with 112k crystals :)

Now imagine a few clan members sitting on 20+ crystal tapsites 24/7.

The numbers add up FAST. Free crystals: More defense

More defense: More, safer, tapsites, and more emitters

More emitters: More antigen, and more map control.


Also more offense too if your into that sort of thing.... :P

Years ago, believe it or not, tapsites were pretty vacant. People would grab a few crystals here and there. I was the first to actually start permanently hold 6 tapsites at the same time!

Now, I may not play as much any more, but MoR has carried on and continued to dominate the crystal tapsites, and the benefit SHOWS!!

So all that to say, tapsites. Tapsites are the thing.

Good luck getting/holding them though! :)) I have to fight my own clan just to get in on them now LOL

Feb 8, 2020, 04:1302/08/20
CoolRextreme said:




But seriously. 6 tapsites @ 3000 crystals per 27 hours.

That's 112k crystals per week

FREE crystals per week I might add. Imagine what you can do with 112k crystals :)

Now imagine a few clan members sitting on 20+ crystal tapsites 24/7.

The numbers add up FAST. Free crystals: More defense

More defense: More, safer, tapsites, and more emitters

More emitters: More antigen, and more map control.


Also more offense too if your into that sort of thing.... :P

Years ago, believe it or not, tapsites were pretty vacant. People would grab a few crystals here and there. I was the first to actually start permanently hold 6 tapsites at the same time!

Now, I may not play as much any more, but MoR has carried on and continued to dominate the crystal tapsites, and the benefit SHOWS!!

So all that to say, tapsites. Tapsites are the thing.

Good luck getting/holding them though! :)) I have to fight my own clan just to get in on them now LOL

Keep yo mitts off mah taps 0.o